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Unit 3.5 : The Newspaper debate

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1 Unit 3.5 : The Newspaper debate
By: Katrina Hickey

2 Bell Work Use the following citation correctly when citing the in-text citation (“Independent Reading: Newspapers” 181) Using the quotation sandwich, use a direct quote or paraphrase the quote below by Patrick Kavanagh. Ensure each part of the in-text citation is present. “What appears in newspapers is often new but seldom true.” -Patrick Kavanagh ( ), Irish Poet

3 What do you know about newspapers?

4 What if you had a newspaper especially tailored to your personal Lifestyle and interests?

5 What do you think the article will be about?
How the Rise of the Daily Me Threatens Democracy By Cass Sustein Who do you think the target audience will be based on the title?

6 About the author: Cass Sunstein is a noted American legal scholar
He has written dozens of books, essays, and newspaper and magazine articles He writes about public policy, economics, law, and psychology He has taught at the law schools of the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and Columbia University

7 REASONING is the thinking or logic used to make a claim in an argument.
EVIDENCE is the specific facts, examples, and other details used to support the reasoning.

8 READ PARAGRAPH 1 “What is his argument
READ PARAGRAPH 1 “What is his argument?” to justify his claim that the diminished role of the newspaper is a problem for American democracy Sunstein defines his key term in the first paragraph. Why is that definition necessary for his argument? The key term “Daily Me-a fully personalized newspaper” was necessary for Sunstein to mention in his argument because the point of the article was to raise awareness of how the rise of social networking forums, collaborative filtering and viral marketing is creating an “information cocoon” for American society. People use social media to form networks of like-minded individuals, thus paving the path for narrow minded viewpoints.

9 It is a Hyphora Rhetorical Question
READ paragraph 3… Sunstein uses a rhetorical question in paragraph 3– a technique that works in certain situations, but not in others. Does this technique work here? Explain. It is a Hyphora Rhetorical Question No the use of the rhetorical question does not work in this situation. Rhetorical questions are usually defined as a question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information that the question asks. The second sentence in paragraph 3 answers the question being posed as a rhetorical question.

10 What is his claim? What is his position? Potter
Sunstein What is his claim? What is his position? Potter 1. Evidence  Claim/position  2 3 4 5 13. Does Sustain use convincing reasoning and evidence to support his claim that the diminished role of the newspaper is a problem for American democracy? Explain. ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What is Potter’s purpose of his first and second paragraph? ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is his claim? What is his position?
Sunstein What is his claim? What is his position? 1. Chunk 4, Line 1. “…people ended up with more extreme positions” (Sunstein 184). People will become more extreme if they’re exposed to only one point of view. 2. 3. 4. 5.

12 Does Sustain use convincing reasoning and evidence to support his claim that the diminished role of the newspaper is a problem for American democracy? Explain. 13. Does Sustain use convincing reasoning and evidence to support his claim that the diminished role of the newspaper is a problem for American democracy? Explain. ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What is Potter’s purpose of his first and second paragraph? ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 Extra Time? Let’s explore newspapers and see what they have to offer inside . . .

14 Exit Pass Is there anything you are unclear about that we have covered these last two weeks? Is there anything you feel like you need more practice with? Make a list.

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