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WMO SEB Workshop COMMUNICATIONS AND SEB ASSESSMENT STUDIES Gerald Fleming Mahé, Seychelles, Thursday, May 7 th 2015 WMO; Public Weather Services, WDS Dept.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO SEB Workshop COMMUNICATIONS AND SEB ASSESSMENT STUDIES Gerald Fleming Mahé, Seychelles, Thursday, May 7 th 2015 WMO; Public Weather Services, WDS Dept."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO SEB Workshop COMMUNICATIONS AND SEB ASSESSMENT STUDIES Gerald Fleming Mahé, Seychelles, Thursday, May 7 th 2015 WMO; Public Weather Services, WDS Dept

2 test footer 2

3 Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy 3

4 4

5 Changing the Paradigm  Now we can produce many millions of forecast products each day.  Do we know what people do with them? 5

6 Changing the Paradigm  WMO THORPEX Project 2005 - 2012  Developed the SEA Group Societal and Economic Applications 6

7 Changing the Paradigm  WMO THORPEX Project 2005 - 2012  Developed the SEA Group Societal and Economic R Applications 7

8 Changing the Paradigm  WMO THORPEX Project 2005 - 2012  Developed the SEA Group Societal and Economic Research Applications 8

9 Changing the Paradigm What is Communication? 9

10 Changing the Paradigm What is Communication?  Information transfer?? 10

11 Changing the Paradigm What is Communication?  Information transfer?? 11

12 Communication

13 One Idea Two Brains Two different environments!

14 Communication Western Eastern

15 Communication Female Male

16 Communication Elements of Personal Communication Albert Mehrabian

17 Communication Elements of Personal Communication 7% - What you say

18 Communication Elements of Personal Communication 7% - What you say 38% - How you say it

19 Communication Elements of Personal Communication 7% - What you say 38% - How you say it 55% - How you look while you are saying it

20 Communication

21 Changing the Paradigm Which is the most important organ to use effectively for good Communication? 21

22 Changing the Paradigm Which is the most important organ to use effectively for good Communication? 22

23 Communication

24 Excellence in Service Delivery

25 Communication of SEB Studies  Draw up a communications strategy in advance  Who will we deliver the message to?  How will we deliver that message?  How will we know if we are successful?  It’s all about advocacy – building a case towards a larger end (more funding, more staff, bigger audience, better satisfaction rating etc) test footer 25

26 Communication of SEB Studies  Who are the audience?  Board of Directors  Ministry officials  Politicians / Ministers  Funding / Donor agencies  Partner agencies  Media  Public  …………… test footer 26

27 Communication of SEB Studies  What tools do we have?  Written reports  Tables / numbers  Graphs  One-to-one briefings  Presentations  Interviews (radio and television)  Website  Social Media…… test footer 27

28 Communication of SEB Studies  General Principles:  Match the tools, or methods, to the audience  Stories / narratives are strong – use these in conjunction with “hard facts”  Have a clear objective in mind (preferably one that can be measured in some way)  Plan your communications campaign to use all the (relevant) tools at your disposal. test footer 28

29 Communication of SEB Studies  General Principles:  Pick the best people to deliver the message (this may not always be the Director or the most senior staff!)  Ensure that everyone who is involved in communicating around a SEB study is well- briefed and stays consistent with the message.  This implies that all the communicators need to know and understand the SEB study thoroughly. test footer 29

30 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Ministry Officials  They will need detail – text and tables  Not enough just to deliver these – try to organise a briefing where you can deliver a presentation and take questions etc  Good graphics can make a big impact  Be open about any assumptions  Emphasise the rigorous nature of the work test footer 30

31 Communication of SEB Studies AviationAgricultureHealth Water Supply Marine Costs $0.3m$0.2m$0.1m$0.4m$0.2m Benefits $1.2m$1.5m$1.0m$0.8m$0.7m Ratio 4:17.5:110:12:13.5:1 test footer 31

32 Communication of SEB Studies test footer 32

33 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Ministry Officials  Employ professional graphics artists and production people to help put together your report  Add in some stories about people  Farming groups who will especially benefit  Service workers to aviation or marine  Health – many options here test footer 33

34 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Politicians  What are they interested in?  Voters!! Therefore publicity  Lots of stories about people  Especially if they relate to the politicians locality / interest / speciality  Politicians will want a story that helps them to look good. test footer 34

35 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Media – Newspapers  Background briefings with friendly journalists  Good graphics and a good story  Headline figures to grab the attention  Simple summary of survey results  Nice graphic to illustrate benefits  Story (with pictures) of e.g. a farmer harvesting a good crop, or a meteorological observer with an aircraft in the background test footer 35

36 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Media - Radio  Don’t try to give a lot of detail – especially numbers  Stick to the broad outlines  Emphasise the current benefits provided by the Met. Service  Have a narrative also – a story about some real user test footer 36

37 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Media - TV  Make sure to provide a good graphic (or provide the numbers to the TV graphics person in advance for them to work something up  Broad brush strokes – simple story  Try to include an interview with a user who has a good story to tell  Headline – User Story – Graphics - Interview test footer 37

38 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Media – Internet/Website  Here we can provide lots of detail for those who want it.  Simple story on the home page  Good graphics essential  Detail can be hidden behind hotlinks test footer 38

39 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Media – Social Media  Here is where you advertise your story  Lots of mainstream media stories are sourced from social media  Simple headline messages, e.g. on Twitter can direct readers to the full story on your website.  Again – pictures, graphics, and not too much text. test footer 39

40 Communication of SEB Studies  Communicating to Users  Great opportunity to tell a good story to users and build the relationship with them  Go to their functions; business/Rotary meetings, farming association AGMs, annual conferences or trade events for specific sectors  As before – keep the story simple, have good graphics, and some human interest narrative test footer 40

41 Communication of SEB Studies  What would a communications campaign look like?  Let’s say we want to influence a decision in the annual budget.  When are the decisions taken? – Assume November.  Be ready to start in late September! test footer 41

42 Communication Campaign for SEB Studies  Late September / early October  Background briefings for Journalists  Put the story on your website  Talks to user groups  Mid-October  Social media campaign to highlight story  First articles in the newspapers test footer 42

43 Communication Campaign for SEB Studies  Late October  Stories on TV  Radio Interviews  Presentation to Minister / Officials  November  More radio interviews  Further articles in the newspapers test footer 43

44 Communication Campaign for SEB Studies  Don’t forget the “internal” audience – the Met. Service staff  Background briefings for all staff  Select regional staff to lead the communications campaign in their regions  Keep them up-to-date with developments  Use their ideas and suggestions  Build SEB studies into training courses test footer 44

45 Communication Campaign for SEB Studies  Monitoring and Evaluation  Measure as much as possible  Newspaper articles / column inches  Radio interviews  TV interviews  Personal presentations  Website “hits”  Set targets in advance and try to exceed them test footer 45

46 Thank you for your attention

47 Communications Exercise  Based on Case Study 9 in Appendix E of the book “Valuing Weather and Climate”  Objective is to try and communicate some complex information in a simple manner to an audience that know little about either meteorology or economics test footer 47

48 Communications Exercise  Exercise A  Invited to attend a “business breakfast” hosted by a group of business people prominent in the banking and financial sectors, you have been asked to give a 3- minute talk (no slides or graphics!) on the recently- published economic assessment.  Exercise B  You will have a short (3 to 4 minute) interview on National Bhutan Radio about the recent publication of the economic assessment of meteorological and hydrological services. Prepare notes for this. test footer 48

49 Communications Exercise  Exercise C  You have a half-page newspaper article to prepare for the “popular press”. The article must be limited to 300 words. An illustration or photograph is also required.  Exercise D  Publicise the recently published economic assessment through the social media. Prepare an article for Facebook, along with some relevant illustrations, and also to compose 6 messages for Twitter (140 characters maximum!) to direct people to this Facebook page. test footer 49

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