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How to get your hands on the data of your LMS (e.g. Blackboard) Alan Berg Co-chair SIG SURF / Community officer Apereo LAI.

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Presentation on theme: "How to get your hands on the data of your LMS (e.g. Blackboard) Alan Berg Co-chair SIG SURF / Community officer Apereo LAI."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to get your hands on the data of your LMS (e.g. Blackboard) Alan Berg Co-chair SIG SURF / Community officer Apereo LAI

2 Acknowledgements Resources mentioned in Resources.txt, including: Understanding The Advanced Reporting Database John Knight 2005: – 5 relevant slides are copied from this presentation (orange background). Clip art:

3 WARNING! A lot of information will be covered in a short time.

4 Agenda  Who am I  Motivation  BlackBoard Processes  BlackBoard database schema  Pulling data out of BlackBoard  Simple Analysis in R  Brain Storm over possibilities Wrangler | 07 maand 20144

5 Who am I have relevant practical experience. Developed building Blocks Integrated stuff with UVA's SIS Run Quality Assurance on a number of large scale projects such as UvA's Scale out Reported bugs Presented a couple of times (a long time ago) at BlackBoard conferences Old, old stuff: Blackboard 6 usage patterns and implications for the Universiteit van Amsterdam: b/e/a.m.berg/en/tab-three/tab-three/cpitem%5B41%5D/asset Pulled out data from BlackBoard for research projects

6 Motivation To break down walls that get in the way of getting at your data. By providing researchers with the details needed to communicate with the people that hold the keys to the data. By providing system /functional administrators an idea of the processes needed by researchers to use the data

7 Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc A quick count of the audience roles A quick question to the audience of what they see as barriers to their research work. 1

8 BlackBoard Processes Motivation: Being specific with processes, filenames and locations so that it is easier to find and do stuff

9 Take homes There is a set of best practices that should be followed BlackBoard files that matter Bb-tasks.xml Scheduled tasks for reporting The process of moving tables to a backup database

10 Best Practices Accessing the Database Database+-+OpenDB Protect your data Work with copies of your data Remember to test performance Use tools to access your databases Don't reinvent the wheel See whats out in the wild Re-use and improve artefact's Don't be arrogant: Ask the team that administers the system Look at the Open Database Schema

11 Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc Additional best practices for accessing the Database 2

12 Global configuration file for Blackboard. Options include: Database JVM tuning Content Management Server threads Mail servers Performance depends on tuning this file Named a property file. Follows a specific text format: bbconfig.unix.httpd.ssl.portnumber=443 Location similar to: /app/blackboard/config/ Applying changes via a script PushConfigUpdates.bat/.sh

13 BlackBoard Processes Code that can run on any BlackBoard Server to get facts SECURE YOUR DATASOURCE TEST AGAINST A COPY OF YOUR DB 1) Create a user that can read 2) Create code that reads 3) Run Code through a scheduled task 4) Generate time stamped reoprts or Text dumps LATER 5) Improve code based on requirements

14 PurgeAccumulator job Default runs at 1 AM Does three things Summarizes data Moves data to a backup DB Purges Production pf data older than a certain date Configured via bb-tasks.xml Runs stored procedures in the database

15 The gruesome details

16 Schema Description Number of supporting records are increasing per version

17 2012 – Partial list 2007 – Full List

18 Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000

19 Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc Based on the 2007 table set which sort of questions can you ask when combined with SIS? – Promise to look at sending the relevant SQL statements or publishing to the LASI Utrecht website 3

20 Building Blocks - More Provides supporting services And JSP (GUI) libraries From experience, permissions structure changes between versions. Subtle changes in services Database schema is actually more stable. SQL queries more raw but are more efficient than service calls Was easier to learn Building blocks by code completion in IDE (E.G: Eclipse) than through the documentation Steep learning curve orial/BBTutorial.pdf Take home: If you just want the data go directly to the database. Take home: If you just want the data go directly to the database.

21 Bb-manifest.xml and Code Don't do this without a safety net ConnectionManager conman; int i=0; private Connection bbConnectDatabase() throws ConnectionNotAvailableException, InterruptedException { BbDatabase bbDb = DbUtil.safeGetBbDatabase(); conman = bbDb.getConnectionManager(); while(conn == null && i<10){ try { conn = conman.getConnection(); } catch(ConnectionNotAvailableException cnae){ Thread.sleep(1000); ++i; } } return conn; }

22 Getting to the database in Perl use Config::Simple; use DBI; $config_file="/home/aberg/Desktop/BB_PILOT_2014/CONFIGURATION/database.cfg"; # Configuration file location $config = new Config::Simple($config_file); # Open Database Connection $dbh = DBI->connect($config->param("ConnectionSettings.dsn"), $config->param("ConnectionSettings.dbuser"), $config->param("ConnectionSettings.pass")) or die "Connection Error: $DBI::errstr\n"; generate_user_report(); $dbh->disconnect ;

23 Perl take home Easy to connect Just different configuration for queries to the archive database than production or development Perl is a well known language Perl is EXCELLENT for text processing Perl can generate unreadable code and not really a team language (personal opinion) Great for writing functionality quickly Excellent for manipulating and merging data Understood by many System administrators

24 Favorite tool – SQL Developer Everyone has their favorite tools Can export data efficiently Practice SQL statements Known to a wide community What are the ethics and security implications STOP and ask Hendrik L to reinforce message from his presentation

25 Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc Have you any favorite tools for use with databases or combining data sources? 4

26 Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000

27 ASR Schema Elements Table Name(s)Data StoredData Rentention in main schema ACTIVITY_ACCUMULATO R End user events.Up to 360 days of data SYSTEM_TRACKINGDaily summary stats generated by summarization task in PurgeAccumulator process No limit (never purged) APPLICATION COURSE_MAIN COURSE_ROLES COURSE_USERS DATA_SOURCE INSTITUTION_ROLES NAVIGATION_ITEM SYSTEM_ROLES,USERS USER_ROLES Stores supporting data referenced by ACTIVITY_ACCUMULATOR for ASR Reporting No limit. Tables are never purged automatically.

28 Data Structure

29 Activity Accumulator Dictionary ColumnDescription PK1Primary Key EVENT_TYPEType of Event Posted USER_PK1Relates to USERS.PK1 COURSE_PK1Relates to COURSE_MAIN.PK1 GROUP_PK1Relates to GROUP.PK1 FORUM_PK1Relates to FORUM_MAIN.PK1 INTERNAL_HAND LE Relates to NAVIGATION_ITEM.INTERNAL_HANDLE CONTENT_PK1Relates to COURSE_CONTENTS.PK1

30 Activity Accumulator Dictionary ColumnDescription DATAAdditional information dependant on event type. TIMESTAMPDate/Time the event was posted STATUS1 unless error occurred MESSAGESError message details SESSION_IDRelationship to SESSIONS.PK1 REMOVE DATA and MESSAGES as might contain personal information?

31 Activity Accumulator Events EventDescription Relationships LOGIN_ATTEMPTA user attempted to login to the system. Captures the session id of the attempted login. SESSION_ID LOGOUTA user clicked the logout buttonSESSION_ID USER_PK1 SESSION_INTA user connected to the system and a session was created SESSION_ID PAGE_ACCESSA page was accessedSESSION_ID USER_PK1 NAVIGATION_ITEM COURSE_ACCES S A page within a course was accessed SESSION_ID USER_PK1 COURSE_PK1 NAVIGATION_ITEM

32 Data Structure PK1 are keys to other tables PK1 are effectively random numbers As long as we do not combine with other tables then pseudo anonymous. Only combine when we have opted in Data and messages columns may contain personal information. Question for Hendrik L: How anonymous do we have to be? 5] Question for audience: How secure do we have to be with the data and how long can it live for? 6] Question for the audience: Do we need an audit trail?

33 Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000

34 Example: Export in SQL developer

35 SQL Examples - General select event_type, count(*) from BackupDB_name.activity_accumulator group by event_type EVENT20072012 LOGOUT781618 1174147 SESSION_INT2087535820241290 CONTENT_ACCESS528405114205997 COURSE_ACCESS4226657757808666 MODULE_ACCESS1519970466422352 LOGIN_ATTEMPT3609998 7430655 PAGE_ACCESS152854782827763 TAB_ACCESS9715716101974

36 eventTypes2007 <- c (1174147, 20241290, 14205997, 57808666, 66422352, 7430655, 82827763, 101974) labels <- c ('LOGOUT', 'SESSION_INT', 'CONTENT_ACCESS', 'COURSE_ACCESS','MODULE_ACCESS', 'LOGIN_ATTEMPT', 'PAGE_ACCESS', 'TAB_ACCESS') pie(eventTypes2007,labels) R makes life easy Who uses R?

37 Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000

38 Generating PDF with LATEX and R \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} >= eventTypes2007 <- c (1174147, 20241290, 14205997, 57808666, 66422352, 7430655, 82827763, 101974) labels <- c ('LOGOUT', 'SESSION_INT', 'CONTENT_ACCESS', 'COURSE_ACCESS','MODULE_ACCESS', 'LOGIN_ATTEMPT', 'PAGE_ACCESS', 'TAB_ACCESS') pie(eventTypes2007,labels) @ \end{document}

39 Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000

40 Why LATEX and R Can be used to produce papers Turning echo on will show the reviewer the method's used when analyzing data. Allows the reviewer to test the process with their own data. Reproducible Standardizing on well known and well documented practices.

41 Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc Is it validate to contemplate a Dutch LA common approach around R and Latex? 7

42 Transversing the information Depends on the membership of your experiment. Examples: Whole course opted in: MOOC like conditions An individual user: Individual consent A member of a course Time limited

43 Whole course opted in NEED TO FIND THE PRIMARY KEY OF THE COURSE IN COURSE_MAIN select pk1 from BackupDB.course_main where course_id='20072008.1.testcourseonly' select count(*) from STATS_2007_2008.activity_accumulator where course_pk1='22144' select count(unique(user_pk1)), count(unique(session_id)), count(unique(content_pk1)), count(unique(event_type))from BackupDB.activity_accumulator where course_pk1='22144' We now have the users PK1's. If needed we can relate back to the USERS Table etc.

44 GOTCHA: Active users CRSMAIN_PK1 → USERS_PK1 select users_pk1 from STATS_2007_2008.course_users where crsmain_pk1='22144'

45 An individual user: Individual consent Users table to find the right PK1 Has also got LAST_LOGIN_DATE Dangerous as you get to see Passwords select pk1 from BackupDB.users where user_id='xxxxxx' STUDENT_ID is descriptive Reliability depends on provision process

46 A member of a course If you know the PK1 of the user and the PK1 of the course then select * from BackupDB.activity_accumulator where user_pk1='1' and course_pk1='2' Think in terms of set theory Pka and Pkb and Pkc …..

47 Time limited Total activity in the last $delta_days PERL example $query="select count(*) from $owner.activity_accumulator where course_pk1=\'$course_pk1\' and user_pk1=\'$fact_pk1{$user}\' and timestamp > sysdate - $delta_days";

48 Tool Specific Null 200268422 content31251028 announcements_entry5082438 my_announcements1969977 discussion_board_entry1711946 check_grade1157869 cp_gradebook2_modify_item1047877 eph_ephorus-assignment1046151 course_tools_area852568 db_thread_list_entry606197 classic_course_catalog514890 cp_announcements442061 groups404074 agroup382299 staff_information379582 cp_gradebook2_manage_download_grade318683 cp_list_modify_users300262 cp_gradebook291804 group_file194884 group_forum138692 cp_gradebook_needs_grading120446 cp_groups101073 list_courses88757 discussion_board85139 send_email71699 group_email67705 classic_club_catalog65111 view_attempts64153 cp_send_email63435 db_collection_entry63308 select internal_handle, count(*) as TOTAL from stats_2012_2013.activity_accumulator group by internal_handle order by TOTAL DESC Number of unique handles (at UvA) = 345 SAMPLING BIAS Are we ignoring the majority of events that are not associated with an internal handle?

49 Circling back Questions for the audience Point to a Google doc Which sort of questions can you ask when combined with SIS? – Promise to look at sending the relevant SQL statements or publishing to the LASI Utrecht website 3

50 Summary (so far) Each click is recorded by BlackBoard The activity_accumulator table is the place to be. You now understand the files that are important You now understand the basic BlackBoard Schema Privacy and ethics limits how you search the data Privacy and ethics relate to the PK1's Privacy and ethics relates to which columns you can export MORE?

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