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The Late Middle Ages Chapter 19 Lesson 5. Catastrophes and Conflicts Famine The Black Death/Bubonic Plague swept Asia and Europe Disputes in the Church.

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1 The Late Middle Ages Chapter 19 Lesson 5

2 Catastrophes and Conflicts Famine The Black Death/Bubonic Plague swept Asia and Europe Disputes in the Church reduced its authority The English and the French battled over territory in the Hundred Years’ War Christians in the Iberian Peninsula fought to drive out the Muslims and the Jews

3 Famine Medieval Europe enjoyed great prosperity until the 1200s Then, disaster struck… – Cold winters and rainy summers created miserable conditions – Crops rotted and livestock died from diseases – Soon, the crops could not support Europe’s growing population 1315-1322: major famine in northern Europe – People starved to death and died from epidemics of disease

4 The Plague Comes to Europe Plague: disease that spreads quickly and kills many people Spread from Asia to Europe – Probably began in Central Asia and spread to India, the Middle East, and Europe through trade – Broke out in China in 1300s Between 40-60 million died in China—half the population Black Death=Bubonic Plague – Caused by a type of bacteria that was spread by fleas from animals to animals, specifically the rats Rat-infested caravans and ships carried the disease from one region to the next 1347-1351: Deaths in Europe ranged from 19- 38 million people—1/3 to ½ of the population died


6 The Effects of the Plague People didn’t know why the plague occurred – Some thought God was punishing them for their sins – Some blamed the Jews Result: Some Germans kicked Jews out of some of the cities Huge effect on economy – Trade declined – Wages rose b/c of high demand for workers – Fewer people=less food needed=food prices dropped – Landlords had to pay people more to get them to work their lands – Some peasants began to pay rent instead of providing services Serfs gained more rights Weakened feudalism

7 Ring around the rosy A pocketful of posies "Ashes, Ashes" We all fall down

8 Conflicts in the Church 1378-1417: Great Schism deeply divided the Catholic Church – 1054: Great Schism between Catholic Church and Byzantine Church 2-3 church leaders claimed to be the rightful pope – Caused great confusion/doubt in Europe – 1417: New pope was accepted and elected=Great Schism and the confusion died down Powerful kings questioned the pope’s powers People criticized growing wealth and power of clergy – John Wycliff: insisted that the Bible was the source of Christian truth--not the church; he was a Christian martyr and was burned at the stake


10 The Hundred Years’ War For centuries, England and France had fought over the control of areas of western French lands – The French wanted to unite all French lands – King Edward III of England declared himself the king of France and invaded the country Result: a war that lasted 100 years Causes: – Land – Economic rivalry – Growing sense of national pride

11 English Victories In the beginning: England was victorious – Had superior weapons such as the longbow and an early form of a cannon

12 Joan of Arc 1412-1431 Born in a village in France Daughter of a tenant farmer As a teenager, felt guided by the voices of three saints Traveled to ask Charles, the crown prince, to let her fight Faced examination by church authorities about her faith and the voices she heard

13 Joan of Arc Joan took a French army to the battle at Orleans Defeated the English and freed the city French victory there unified France and led to the coronation of Charles as king Joan later captured by the English Accused of being a witch Burned at the stake Later declared a French national hero and a Catholic saint Her courage gave rise to a French rally to win the war

14 Hundred Years’ War Effects on the English England’s nobles were bitter about the loss of French lands Late 1400s: fought each other over who should be king – Civil war known as the Wars of the Roses – Henry Tudor won and became known as King Henry VII of England

15 Muslims Forced Out Muslims ruled much of the Iberian peninsula during the MA Spain and Portugal Muslims Developed rich cultures with schools, palaces, and mosques Christians, drove out many of the Muslims Known as the Reconquista (ray-kohn-KEES-tuh), or reconquest 1250: 3 Christian kingdoms and 1 Muslim kingdom – Christian kingdoms: Aragon, Portugal, and Castile – Muslim Kingdom: Granada 1469: Prince Ferdinand (Aragon) and Princess Isabella (Castile) married and created one catholic kingdom: Spain 1492: Spain conquered Granada Muslims were ordered to convert or leave Most left and went to North Africa

16 Jews Forced Out Many Iberian Jews lived peacefully under Muslim rule When Christians took over, many Jews were mistreated – Many Jews converted to avoid persecution Ferdinand and Isabella believed some of converted Jews were secretly practicing Judaism To force obedience to the Catholic Church, they created the Spanish Inquisition – Tried and tortured thousands accused of being disloyal to the Catholic Church in Spain 1492: Ferdinand and Isabella ordered Jews to convert or leave – Most left to avoid charges of heresy

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