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Lily Amelia.  Absensi : 10 %  Tugas+Quiz : 25 %  UTS : 30 %  UAS : 35 %

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1 Lily Amelia


3  Absensi : 10 %  Tugas+Quiz : 25 %  UTS : 30 %  UAS : 35 %

4  Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan. J. Supranto, Rineka Cipta, 2005.  Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Thomas L. Saaty, Vol. VI  Teknik dan Aplikasi Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Manajemen Rantai Pasok, Marimin dan Nurul Maghfiroh, Jakarta : IPB Press, 2010.  Decision Support Systems And Intelligent System, Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Prentice Hall Inc, 2001.  Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance and Management, George Bojadziev, Maria Bojadziev, World Scientific, 1997.  Fuzzy modelling for Multicriteria Decision Making under Uncertainty, Wang Wei, 2003.

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