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Interface / navigation COM 366 Web Design & Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Interface / navigation COM 366 Web Design & Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interface / navigation COM 366 Web Design & Production

2 Site plan List of info to be included on site Make an outline –Serves as basic structure of site Flowchart –Serves same purpose as outline

3 To-do list –List of who’s doing what Writing copy Keywords Design layout for main page Process images etc.

4 Format Monitor size –1024 x 768 pixels –Ideally home page should fit within that frame Initial visual impression of site Whatever you do, don’t make visitor scroll sideways


6 Navigation Make it easy to find way around site Get back to home page from anywhere Primary navigation should go to main sections –Across the top, off to the side

7 Horizontal navigation bars


9 More examples:

10 Vertical navigation bars:



13 Repetition Should use the same navigation system on every page –Home page can be a little different Use same words, graphics, fonts, etc.

14 Home page: Inside page:




18 Where are you? Need to let viewer know what page they are on –Page headings –Breadcrumbs –Fade out the graphic icon, use different color, have arrow point to icon (abcnews)

19 page headings changing menu items

20 breadcrumbs

21 page heading title nav bar

22 Index / site map Alphabetical listing of all pages in site


24 links Make sure all links work Make sure links are worth jumping to –Pages that say the page is coming soon –Larger image of photo with no new info Link should be relevant –Relate to content on page

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