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Nevena Ackovska Institute of Informatics FNSM, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Nevena Ackovska Institute of Informatics FNSM, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nevena Ackovska Institute of Informatics FNSM, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia

2  The team  Course specifics ◦ The timing ◦ The group  Structure and topics  Results

3  The team  Course specifics ◦ The timing ◦ The group  Structure and topics  Results

4  Nevena Ackovska ◦ Lectures  Magdalena Kostoska ◦ Exercises ◦ Valuable team member  12 students

5  The team  Course specifics ◦ The timing ◦ The group  Structure and topics  Results

6  The course started late March  Students asked for delay in sending projects ◦ Wanted to finish with projects of other, earlier started subjects  Expected to end 25 th September

7  12 students ◦ 5 working in Software Industry – manager level  Know it all ◦ 5 working in Software Industry – developers  Do it all ◦ 1 unemployed (non IT background) ◦ 1 abroad

8  1 didn’t know programming (!!!) ◦ Most probably will drop the course  None studied design and software patterns in Undergraduate studies ◦ Specific generation, last of it’s kind  Most good in organization of software projects ◦ As leaders or team members ◦ How good are they on their own???  Most of the student have good knowledge of specific programming language ◦ Some students were more familiar with C# and.NET platform, rather then Java

9  The team  Course specifics ◦ The timing ◦ The group  Structure and topics  Results

10  Weekend type ◦ Most of the students work  Lectures mostly inherited ◦ Thanks to prof. Jurca, Budimac …  Java and C# based exercises, homework and projects ◦ Magdalena Kostoska takes care  Expert from the IT Industry ◦ Listen to ex students

11  Introduction to Software Architecture (SA)  Analogy with Classical Architecture  The Deliverables of SA  Elements of SA  Analysis and Evaluation of SA  Architecture, processes, and organization  Model Driven Architecture  Design patterns

12  Followed the suggested lectures  Students ask to have greater intro in Patterns and Design in general ◦ 2 intro lections on this  Added 1 expert lecture ◦ Seminar on Software Processes and Structure ◦ Whole day event

13  Java and C# based coding of bigger software problems ◦ Design and Patterns usage: given specific task and choice to use Java or C#  3 projects submitted ◦ Refactoring: two bigger software project are given in two programming languages: Java and C#, student choose one of the two offered projects  4 projects submitted

14  Read, write, execute ◦ Deep analysis of one architectural description languages ◦ Explore and write about one refactoring tool ◦ Articles in ADP – read and present

15  Presence – something to discuss with 1 student abroad ◦ Most of the students present during the weekends  Homework – 30%  Projects – 40 %  Final – 30% ◦ Changed for another project  Nobody likes theory

16  The team  Course specifics ◦ The timing ◦ The group  Structure and topics  Results

17  4 students already have points to pass  8 haven’t completed the tasks yet ◦ They have time till 25 th of September

18  11 students should pass  1 student can’t pass ◦ Math's student ◦ Never has programmed before ◦ Not willing to learn any programming language

19  We want students from different backgrounds ◦ But they have to be prepared to learn  Should we allow students that don’t want to learn programming on software master studies? ◦ Should take care upon admission

20  Students really liked the invited guest ◦ Real implementation ◦ Real software processes ◦ Structure evolves  They can see that through implementation in IT industry  1 student switched jobs ◦ Now works for our IT expert  Students realize that in order to go forward, one must know at least the current technology ◦ Good to be great in a specific technology, but one has to be aware of the evolution

21  Next generation in Skopje will be different ◦ They will know basic of patterns and design ◦ Many courses in Software engineering  Software engineering  Analysis of software requirements  Software design and architecture  Software Development  Software Projects Management  Software Quality and Testing ◦ Should change the course structure to more advanced

22  The dynamics so far … ◦ … So good!  Even with such a diverse group  Keep the good practice ◦ Invited talks are great for the students

23  The suggested lectures worked well, but we added extra lessons ◦ Next year change the lectures ◦ Welcome suggestions  The students should be prepared to work ◦ Homework ◦ Exercises ◦ Coding  Keep it colorful ◦ Teacher – student routine gets better with invited guests


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