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What`s your favorite hoiliday?

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Presentation on theme: "What`s your favorite hoiliday?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What`s your favorite hoiliday?
Holidays What`s your favorite hoiliday?

2 January - February Say the names of the holidays. New Year`s Day
St. Valentine`s Day

3 March - April Say the names of the holidays. St. Patrick`s Day
Holy Week

4 May - June Say the names of the holidays. Mother`s Day Father`s Day

5 July - August Say the names of the holidays. U.S. Independence Day
San Salvador Patronage Festival

6 Say the names of the holidays. E.S. Independence Day
September - October Say the names of the holidays. E.S. Independence Day Halloween

7 November – December Say the names of the holidays. Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

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