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Team Undefined Sam Bukowski, Troy Hayes, Chris Lewin, Matt Vaninger, Emily Daugherty, Natalie Schaefer September 19, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Undefined Sam Bukowski, Troy Hayes, Chris Lewin, Matt Vaninger, Emily Daugherty, Natalie Schaefer September 19, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Undefined Sam Bukowski, Troy Hayes, Chris Lewin, Matt Vaninger, Emily Daugherty, Natalie Schaefer September 19, 2011

2 Mission Objectives   1. Build a cheap space capsule using mainly ever day materials   2. Test for radiation, pressure and temperature   3. Decide what materials are best for a final space capsule

3 Mission Overview  What we expect to discover is how to create a space capsule that can support life in case of an emergency.  The reason for this mission is because space is a dangerous place. There are many times where unpredictable situations arise, and it is in times like these that there needs to be some sort of escape pod.

4 References  In June of 2011 the crew of the ISS had to abandon the station for safety as some space debris passed by. It is in these situations that space capsules could be useful. If the station was destroyed and the escape pods malfunctioned, the crew would need a quick and cheap alternative.

5 Data Collection  HOBO with temp sensors and humidity sensor.  Barometric pressure sensor.  Radiation Stickers.

6 Design  How we are going to complete the mission  Radiation Stickers  Temperature Sensor  Pressure Sensor

7 Design


9 Budget  Mass Budget  Total weight: 811g  Total Cost: $92.82

10 Management: Organization

11 Management: Schedule

12 Biggest Worries  Failure  No Conclusion  Unforeseen problems during prototyping  Finishing on-time  Programming

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