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Non-Linear Problems General approach. Non-linear Optimization Many objective functions, tend to be non-linear. Design problems for which the objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Linear Problems General approach. Non-linear Optimization Many objective functions, tend to be non-linear. Design problems for which the objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Linear Problems General approach

2 Non-linear Optimization Many objective functions, tend to be non-linear. Design problems for which the objective is to minimize cost or maximize benefits minus costs usually have cost functions with economies of scale. This implies a non-linear function

3 Non-linear Optimization Various approaches exist for solving non- linear problems. One of these is to divide the nonlinear functions into several linear sections (piecewise linearization). Another approach would be Genetic Algorithms

4 GA It is robust and computationally efficient for many types of problems, especially those that are highly nonlinear It is based on Theory of Evolution

5 GA Steps Step 1: Population Generation: A population of n chromosomes (i.e., individuals) is generated by randomly selecting values for the genes in the chromosomes. (I.e., randomly assign values to the decision variables for each of a large number of alternatives.) Step 2: Fitness Evaluation: Evaluate the “fitness” of each chromosome in the population. (I.e., calculate the value of the objective function for each alternative.) Step 3: Test for Completion: Test to see if an end condition has been achieved (e.g., test to see if a maximum number of generations has been reached, etc.). If so, stop. If not, continue with the next step.

6 Step 4: Create a New Population: Apply the processes of selection, crossover, mutation, and replacement to build a new population. – Step 4a: Selection: Select two parent chromosomes from the present population according to their fitness: the greater the fitness of an individual, the greater is the chance that the individual will be selected to be a parent and produce offspring. (I.e., select two alternatives from the current collection of alternatives, and base that selection upon the value of the objective function of the current alternatives.) – Step 4b: Crossover: With a pre-selected probability, select genes from one parent or the other to form a new individual (i.e., to form an offspring). (I.e., use some of the decision variable values from one of the alternatives, and some from the other, to formulate a new alternative.) – Step 4c: Mutation: With a pre-selected probability, cause a mutation to happen at any given gene in the new individual (i.e., make a small change in the value of a randomly selected decision variable). (I.e., make small, random changes in the values of some of the decision variables of the new alternative.)

7 Selection Process

8 Crossover Process

9 Mutation Process Example

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