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Computational Physics Lecture 10 Dr. Guy Tel-Zur.

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Presentation on theme: "Computational Physics Lecture 10 Dr. Guy Tel-Zur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational Physics Lecture 10 Dr. Guy Tel-Zur

2 Agenda Quantum Monte Carlo Star HPC Parallel Matlab GPGPU Computing Hybrid Parallel Computing (MPI + OpenMP) OpenFoam

3 מנהלה השעור האחרון הוזז. במקום יום ה ', ה - 6/1/11, השיעור יתקיים ביום א ', ה - 2/1/11, 17:00- 20:00, בבניין 90 חדר 141. פרויקטי הגמר – כמה תלמידים טרם בחרו נושא או לא כתבו אלי מייל עם הנושא. *** דחוף להסדיר את הפרוייקטים ***


5 News… AMD, 16 cores in 2011 – How can a scientist continue to program in the old fashioned serial way???? Do you want to utilize only 1/16 of the power of your computer????

6 Quantum Monte Carlo MHJ Chapter 11

7 Star-HPC StarHPC provides an on-demand computing cluster configured for parallel programming in both OpenMP and OpenMPI technologies. StarHPC uses Amazon's EC2 web service to completely virtualize the entire parallel programming experience allowing anyone to quickly get started learning MPI and OpenMP programming.


9 Username: mpiuser Password: starhpc08




13 Parallel Matlab

14 Unfortunately Star-P is dead

15 MatlabMPI

16 MatlabMPI Demo Installed on the vdwarf machines

17 Add to Matlab path:> cat startup.m addpath /usr/local/PP/MatlabMPI/src addpath /usr/local/PP/MatlabMPI/examples Addpath./MatMPI

18 xbasic %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Basic Matlab MPI script that % prints out a rank. % % To run, start Matlab and type: % % eval( MPI_Run('xbasic',2,{}) ); % % Or, to run a different machine type: % % eval( MPI_Run('xbasic',2,{'machine1' 'machine2'}) ); % % Output will be piped into two files: % % MatMPI/xbasic.0.out % MatMPI/xbasic.1.out % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MatlabMPI % Dr. Jeremy Kepner % MIT Lincoln Laboratory % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

19 % Initialize MPI. MPI_Init; % Create communicator. comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; % Modify common directory from default for better performance. % comm = MatMPI_Comm_dir(comm,'/tmp'); % Get size and rank. comm_size = MPI_Comm_size(comm); my_rank = MPI_Comm_rank(comm); % Print rank. disp(['my_rank: ',num2str(my_rank)]); % Wait momentarily. pause(2.0); % Finalize Matlab MPI. MPI_Finalize; disp('SUCCESS'); if (my_rank ~= MatMPI_Host_rank(comm)) exit; end

20 Demo folder ~/matlab/, watch top at the other machine


22 An interesting new article URL: b030ae2ac7e1&groupId=808735

23 GPGPU and Matlab


25 >> GPUstart Copyright GPUmat is distribuited as Freeware. By using GPUmat, you accept all the terms and conditions specified in the license.txt file. Please send any suggestion or bug report to Starting GPU - GPUmat version: 0.270 - Required CUDA version: 3.2 There is 1 device supporting CUDA CUDA Driver Version: 3.20 CUDA Runtime Version: 3.20 Device 0: "GeForce 310M" CUDA Capability Major revision number: 1 CUDA Capability Minor revision number: 2 Total amount of global memory: 455475200 bytes - CUDA compute capability 1.2...done - Loading module EXAMPLES_CODEOPT - Loading module EXAMPLES_NUMERICS -> numerics12.cubin - Loading module NUMERICS -> numerics12.cubin - Loading module RAND

26 A = rand(100, GPUsingle); % A is on GPU memory B = rand(100, GPUsingle); % B is on GPU memory C = A+B; % executed on GPU. D = fft(C); % executed on GPU Executed on GPU A = single(rand(100)); % A is on CPU memory B = double(rand(100)); % B is on CPU memory C = A+B; % executed on CPU. D = fft(C); % executed on CPU Executed on CPU Let’s try this

27 GPGPU Demos OpenCL demos are here: C:\Users\telzur\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\bin\Win64\Release And C:\Users\telzur\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\SDK Browser OpenCL demos are here: C:\Users\telzur\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\bin\Win64\Release And C:\Users\telzur\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\SDK Browser My laptop has Nvidia Geforce 310M with 16 cuda cores

28 oclParticles.exe




32 Hybrid MPI + OpenMP Demo Machine File: hobbit1 hobbit2 hobbit3 hobbit4 Each hobbit has 8 cores mpicc -o mpi_out mpi_test.c -fopenmp MPI OpenMP An Idea for a final project!!! cd ~/mpi program name: hybridpi.c

33 MPI is not installed yet on the hobbits, in the meanwhile: vdwarf5 vdwarf6 vdwarf7 vdwarf8

34 top -u tel-zur -H -d 0.05 H – show threads, d – delay for refresh, u - user

35 Hybrid MPI+OpenMP continued

36 OpenFoam

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