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 Hearing Impairment › full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds  Deaf Culture › a term applied to the social movement that.

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2  Hearing Impairment › full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds  Deaf Culture › a term applied to the social movement that holds deafness to be a difference in human experience rather than a disability.

3  Conductive › hearing loss can be described as a temporary hearing loss due to an ear infection, wax buildup, ruptured ear drum, colds, atresia and otosclerosis. › Has to do with the middle and outer ear  Sensorineural › nerve damage due to illness, meningitis, scarlet fever, absence of semicoclear fluid, cronic exposure to loud noises (industrial work), premature birth, head trauma, drug exposure,heredity/genetics and unknown causes.

4  Deaf Community › They feel that there is nothing wrong.  Deaf Children › Parents of the deaf community want there children to stay in the deaf culture and not be able to vocalize.

5  Cochlear Implants › krJJNY krJJNY  American Sign Language › They prefer it and they feel that it doesn’t give them any disadvantage is society.  There are two perceptions › Something needs to be fixed(those who can hear) › Nothing needs to be fixed (deaf community)

6  IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)  Mainstreaming  Interpreting/Interpreters

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