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Research Proposal 人機介面研究之實驗設計 Yu-Hui Tao 2011/5/4.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Proposal 人機介面研究之實驗設計 Yu-Hui Tao 2011/5/4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Proposal 人機介面研究之實驗設計 Yu-Hui Tao 2011/5/4

2 What you have learned? 1. HCI basic concepts  problem definition  3 types of theories,  3 user study methods  a seven-stage model of interaction  many design guidelines  3 types of usability analysis methods  prototyping & evaluation  mental model. 2. 6 HCI papers 3. Classroom practice  evaluating NUK Website competition  improving its procedure and criteria

3 You are ready to Design a HCI research study or an experiment related to HCI Well, at least capable to achieve so by practicing it.

4 Individual Project Research Proposal 請依自己有興趣的題目,含碩士論文研究,撰寫一份實驗 設計提議書。包含 : 1. 研究問題的說明及重要性 ( 簡短 ) 2. 定義可操作的問題定義 ( 簡短 ) 3. 可衡量 2. 的實驗設計,至少含實驗對象、實驗環境設 定、實驗流程、實驗人數、資料蒐集工具等等 4. 資料分析的方法 5. 預期的實驗結果

5 型成性時程 5/4 下課前暫定一初始主題 5/11 每人 10 分鐘 以 ppt 報告實驗大綱 ( 及部份細節 if any) ;現場同儕意見回饋 5/18 校務評鑑 ~~~  上傳完整 word 初稿,線上 PES 同儕評量  9-9:30 碰面,個別綜合問題討論  11:30 -12:00 碰面,個別綜合問題討論 5/25 課堂報告  上課前上傳完整 word 初稿,每人 10 分鐘報告  PES 同儕評量 6/15 上傳最後 word 版本

6 Some Related Research  McFarlane, D. C. and Latorella, K. A. (2001). The scope and importance of human interruption in human–computer interaction design, Human-Computer Interaction,17, 1–61.The scope and importance of human interruption in human–computer interaction design  Friedman, D., Leeb, R., Pfurtscheller, G. and Slater, M. (2010). Human–computer interface issues in controlling virtual reality with brain–computer interface, Human-Computer Interaction, 25, 67–93. Human–computer interface issues in controlling virtual reality with brain–computer interface  Klemmer, S. R. and Landay, J. A. (2009). Toolkit support for integrating physical and digital interactions, Human-Computer Interaction, 24,315–366Toolkit support for integrating physical and digital interactions  Joinson, A, N, Reips, U. D., Buchanan, T. and Schofield, C. B. P. (2010). Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure online, Human- Computer Interaction, 25, 1–24.Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure online  Lee, D., Rhee, Y. and Dunham, R. B. (2009). The role of organizational and individual characteristics in technology acceptance, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 25(7), 623–646.The role of organizational and individual characteristics in technology acceptance

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