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What is your generation about? Do you relate to this vision?vision.

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1 What is your generation about? Do you relate to this vision?vision

2 mpm17 Class 1: Introduction to Web 2.0

3 What is Web 2.0? Databases + Network = Aggregation of Content  A platform that changes our understanging and use of mass mediamass media  Allows to move from presentation to social media

4 Social Media  Connect People with past and existing physical relationships  Exchange of information with each other. I.e. facebook, delicious  Aggregation of interest: Community of interest: prosumer, viewser  Non institutionally funded construction of cultural meaning Non institutionally funded construction of cultural meaning  impact real life activities : I.e. Copy Right law

5 Relational art Non linear narratives   Dreamlines Dreamlines Participatory narratives: Homeless nationHomeless nation Gaming narratives: superstructuresuperstructure Visualization of live data: blackshoalsblackshoals Visualization of live activities:  Digg swarm Digg swarm  ecotonoha ecotonoha

6 WEB 2.0 is a tool for  Research Gathering data Gathering information  Participative production processes ‏ Participative production processes  Archiving distribution Archiving  Promotion Promotion  Documentation Documentation  Emerging aesthetic form Emerging aesthetic form

7 New Aesthetics - Aesthetics of conversation (humans) - Aesthetics of behaviors (machines) - Based on sharing of lived and authentic experiences = culture of personal narratives - peer to peer production processes - people replacing experts as holder of cultural values - culture jamming, collective as expert peers

8 Are you part of a simultaneous Culture?  Current media : shift from presentation to experience sharing  we are moving towards  a different relationship to time and space  Emerging cultural voices marry  Social Media  Experiential Media (MOOs: MultiUser Object Oriented Systems)  Synthetic Intelligence

9 Web 2.0 for research  Wikis to collectively develop knowledge: As researchers: docgamesdocgames As fans: muppetmuppet As participatory based practices: homelessnationhomelessnation  Collectively Share Knowledge Belong to a collective intelligence: A form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration of many individuals. Or belong to a connective intelligence individual creation of information, ideas, and concepts which are then shared with others, connected, and re-created and extended based on the interaction. Simply, collective means blending together. Connective means connecting while retaining the original (source: ‏

10 A Collective Intelligence tool  Public as expert who validate information instead of an institution  Tagging becomes keyTagging  Asynchronic communication between members  Listening to each other's rss feeds

11 Flickr A Connective Intelligence tool  Public as artist who contribute images  Tagging becomes keyTagging  Asynchronic communication between members  Listening to each other's rss feeds

12 Distribution Gold Farmers

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