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Information about Mediation by lawyer and mediator Jes Anker Mikkelsen & lawyer and mediator Pia Deleuran Grand Hótel Reykjavík 30 August 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Information about Mediation by lawyer and mediator Jes Anker Mikkelsen & lawyer and mediator Pia Deleuran Grand Hótel Reykjavík 30 August 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information about Mediation by lawyer and mediator Jes Anker Mikkelsen & lawyer and mediator Pia Deleuran Grand Hótel Reykjavík 30 August 2006

2 Definition  A voluntary and confidential method to resolve conflicts where, through a structured process, one or more impartial third parties help the parties to negotiate for the purpose of finding a solution which is satisfactory to both parties. The third party makes no decisions in the case. (Vibeke Vindelev, professor and LLD)

3 Two Different Styles of Conflict Resolution  The competitive model (negotiation)  The collaborative model (mediation)

4 Traditionel Mediation in Denmark The Danish Administration of Justice Act (Retsplejeloven): The Danish Administration of Justice Act (Retsplejeloven):  § 268. I alle borgerlige domssager i første instans mægler retten forlig.  Stk. 2. Forligsmægling kan dog undlades, såfremt det på grund af sagens beskaffenhed, parternes forhold eller lignende omstændigheder på forhånd må antages, at mægling vil være forgæves.  Stk. 3. Mægling kan også foretages, når sagen er indbragt for højere instans.  Stk. 4. Undladelse af mægling kan ikke medføre hjemvisning af sagen.

5 The Dynamic in a Court Case Legal Demands

6 Dynamic in Mediation Interests Needs

7 Mediation as a Method to Resolve Conflicts  Voluntary participation  The parties' autonomy  Guided communication  Focus on interests and needs instead of demands and legal claims  Focus on consensus instead of compromise

8 A Scandinavian Non-Model by Vibeke Vindeløv, professor and LLD  A. Before the meeting  B. The meeting itself  C. After the meeting

9 The meeting itself  Opening: Welcoming, presentation of the mediation process and clarification of roles.  Parties’ submissions and dialogue: Each party gives his side of the story. This leads to discovering the positions of the parties, facts, feelings, interests and needs.  Definition of problem area: The topics that require further work are identified. Priorities may be set.  Generation of possible solutions: As many proposals for a solution are generated as possible – without a view being taken on them.  Negotiation of an agreement: The parties negotiate on the basis of the possible solutions.  The agreement is checked and approved: The agreement is signed. Loose ends are tied up.

10 Conflict Ladder  Step 7. Polarisation  Step 6. Open hostility  Step 5. Pictures of the ”enemy” are created created  Step 4. Conversation is given up  Step 3. The problem escalates  Step 2. Personification  Step 1. Disagreement

11 Mediator Tools Techniques to get the parties to communicate  Open questions  Curiosity

12 Mediation Court Pilot Scheme  Project period: 1 March 2003 – ongoing 1 March 2003 – ongoing  Participating courts: 4 city courts & 1 court of appeal  Participating court mediators: 3 judges and 3 lawyers from each court.

13 Evaluation from the Ministry of Justice NumberShare Average time of meeting Settlement percentage Purchase67192,857 Family matters 57163,963 Tender contracts 53152,572 Employment36103,464 Leases, etc. 3292,459 Relations between neighbours 2373,648 Credit and monetary system 134354 Contractual relations 1232,875 Damages1132,382 Copyright, etc. 513,160 Other case types 2163,286 No information on case type 226-- Total351100364

14 ”US Postal” ”Employment Dispute Management”  Started in 1997  Transformative mediation  75% of all cases resolved  90% satisfied with the process  95% satisfied with the mediator

15 Relevant Questions Is mediation:  Faster?  Less expensive?  Better?  Relevant in all cases?

16 Further Information Mediation lawyer and chairman Jes Anker Mikkelsen Mediation lawyer and court-mediator Pia Deleuran

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