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1Notes  Assignment 0 marks should be ready by tonight (hand back in class on Monday)

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1 1Notes  Assignment 0 marks should be ready by tonight (hand back in class on Monday)

2 2Review  Motion Curve: A curve describing how an animation parameter changes in time (or abstract parameter u)  Retiming Curve: An extra curve which indicates what u values to evaluate at for each frame time. Use to change how fast a motion takes place without changing the motion trajectory.  Arclength Parameterization: For more intuitive retiming of an object position, user’s timing curve specifies arclength s, not abstract parameter u.

3 3 Calculating Arc Length  Recall definition of arc length:  Where x(u) is the 3D position of the curve at parameter value u  Really three curves: X(u), Y(u), Z(u)  Approximate by splitting curve up into linear segments (sample u finely), add up lengths of those segments  Build a table of approximate u,s(u) pairs

4 4 Computing Inverse Map  From these pairs of u,s(u) values, how to calculate u(s)?  Treat the s values as knots, the corresponding u values as control points  Pass a Catmull-Rom spline through it  Evaluate spline for any value of s you want (from the retiming curve)

5 5Kinematics

6 6Kinematics  The study of how things move  Usually boils down to describing the motion of articulated rigid figures  Things made up of rigid “links” attached to each other at movable joints (articulation)  There are many mathematical approaches to this description  Text: sections 2.2 and 4.2 (and more advanced: 6.1 and 6.2)

7 7Links  The actual geometry of each link is irrelevant for kinematics  But typically corresponds to a bone, or a solid piece of metal, or...  All that matters is that they have an attached coordinate system  That is an “origin” -- the base point for doing measurements relative to the link -- and a set of basis vectors -- three orthogonal directions relative to the link

8 8Joints  A joint connects two links  Attachment point has to be specified in both coordinate systems  Often simplified by making sure attachment is the origin of one of the links  Also specify how basis vectors of the two are related (rotation)  A joint can have up to six degrees of freedom (DOF) - three translations, three rotations  For animation, usually just concerned with rotations (for robotics, maybe not): revolute  That is, how are the basis vectors of the second link rotated from the basis vectors of the first?

9 9 Reality Check  This boils down to how we model real joints in the body  E.g. from a distance:  Elbow has 1 DOF: the angle the forearm makes with the upper arm (rotation in plane)  Wrist has 3 DOF ...  Up close, life can be much more complex: no simple attachment

10 10 Joint Decomposition  Often write multiple-DOF joints as a sequence of 1-DOF joints connecting imaginary links between them  D-H notation  For each joint-link sequence, specify displacement and angles in standard format

11 11 Hierarchical Skeletons  Usually a character (or a robot) has no loops - -- link/joint graph is a tree  Pick an arbitrary link to be the root  Settle on its coordinate system with respect to the world  6 DOF: position + orientation (more on this later)  For attached links, get translation and rotation from root’s coordinate system to neighbours’ coordinate systems  Go through the tree to the tips (“end- effectors”) concatenating transformations  This is “Forward Kinematics” (FK)

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