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Presentation on theme: "MAKING USE OF IPA IN CROATIA – OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMES UNDER COMPONENTS III AND IV 13 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 NEW CHALLENGES, NEW OPPORTUNITIES The process in Croatia  IPA programming started in November 2005 IPA programming started in November 2005  Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group for SCF Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group for SCF  Inter-ministerial working groups for each OP Inter-ministerial working groups for each OP  Drafting of Strategic Coherence Framework (period 2007-2013) Drafting of Strategic Coherence Framework (period 2007-2013)  Submitted in May 2006, agreed in June 2006 Submitted in May 2006, agreed in June 2006  Available at Available at  Drafting of Operational Programmes (OPs) for Components III and IV (period 2007-2009) Drafting of Operational Programmes (OPs) for Components III and IV (period 2007-2009)  Submitted at the end of September 2007 Submitted at the end of September 2007 Novelty of approach  Closer to the Structural Funds practice (multi- annual programming, partnership, N+3, transition to EDIS) Closer to the Structural Funds practice (multi- annual programming, partnership, N+3, transition to EDIS)  Involvement of greater number of actors, both on Croatian and EC side  coordination challenge Involvement of greater number of actors, both on Croatian and EC side  coordination challenge  Limited funding and time frame for programming and implementation Limited funding and time frame for programming and implementation IPA

3 Support in transition and institution building 2007 1 IPA – FINANCIAL ALLOCATIONS (2007- 2010/ M€) 2 Cross-border cooperation 9.70 5Rural Development 25.50 Regional development 3 200820092010 Human Resources 4 14.70 49.6045.6045.4039.50 15.90 45.0547.60 14.2015.70 49.7056.80 16.20 25.8025.60 11.3812.70 26.00 141.23TOTAL/YEAR154.20146.00 151.20 592.63 178.10 56.50 199.15 53.98 102.90 TOTAL/ COMP.

4 Pre-accession Partnership ( Political Framework) Strategic Development Framework 2006 – 2013 (national development priorities and priorities) Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework Strategic Coherence Framework 2007- 2013 ( for IPA components III and IV) Operational Programmes - Transport - Environmental Protection - Regional Competitiveness - Human Resources Development Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development 2007- 2013 Operational Programmes - Cross-border cooperation IPA Annual Activity Plans - Institutional capacity building for implementation of the acquis National Programme for the EU accession PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORK Community Strategic Guidelines


6 OP Regional Competitiveness Measures 1.1. Business related infrastructure Grant scheme, in lagging behind counties (10) 2.1. Improvement of business climate National policy tools; e-business services; advisory services; investment certification programme for counties; cluster development methodology (pilot scheme)National policy tools; e-business services; advisory services; investment certification programme for counties; cluster development methodology (pilot scheme) 2.2. Technology transfer and support services for knowledge-based start-ups Technology transfer grant scheme Technology commercialization & incubation clusterTechnology commercialization & incubation cluster Priorities 1.Improving development potential of lagging-behind areasImproving development potential of lagging-behind areas 2.Enhancing competitiveness of Croatian economyEnhancing competitiveness of Croatian economy 3.Technical assistanceTechnical assistance 1 2 IPA III

7 OP Regional Competitiveness Consultations with partners  Consultations with counties – summer 2006 Consultations with counties – summer 2006  Consultations with all partners – March 2007 Consultations with all partners – March 2007 Allocations  47.13 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 35.35 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds 47.13 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 35.35 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds  2007 = 14.73 MEUR, of which 11.05 MEUR IPA 2007 = 14.73 MEUR, of which 11.05 MEUR IPA  2008 = 15.46 MEUR, of which 11.60 MEUR IPA 2008 = 15.46 MEUR, of which 11.60 MEUR IPA  2009 = 16.93 MEUR, of which 12.69 MEUR IPA 2009 = 16.93 MEUR, of which 12.69 MEUR IPA IPA III 3 4 2Measures - continued 3.1 OP management and capacity building Management of OP in all its aspects; sectoral studies, future programming docs & project pipelineManagement of OP in all its aspects; sectoral studies, future programming docs & project pipeline

8 Transport OP Measures 1.1. Line upgrading and modernisation 1.2. Improvement of the safety and efficiency of railway operations 2.1. Modernisation and rehabilitation of river waterways and port infrastructure 3.1. Technical assistance for OP management; identification of future projects; preparation of future programming documents Major projects + TA for measure 2.1. and 3.1 Priorities 1.Upgrading Croatia’s rail transport system 2.Upgrading Croatia’s inland waterway system 3.Technical assistance IPA III 1 2 Pan European corridors  Corridor X: Railways projects Corridor X: Railways projects  Corridor VII: Inland waterways projects (Danube & Sava River) Corridor VII: Inland waterways projects (Danube & Sava River)

9 Transport OP Allocations  71.33 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 53.50 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds 71.3 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 53.50 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds  2007: 22.66 MEUR, of which 17.00 MEUR IPA 2007: 22.6 MEUR, of which 17.0 MEUR IPA  2008: 24.00 MEUR, of which 18.00 MEUR IPA 2008: 24.0 MEUR, of which 18.0 MEUR IPA  2009: 24.66 MEUR, of which 18.50 MEUR IPA 2009: 24.6 MEUR, of which 18.50 MEUR IPA IPA III Consultations with partners  1st round: March 2007 with partners from transport sector 1st round: March 2007 with partners from transport sector  2nd round: June 2007 with environment protection NGOs 2nd round: June 2007 with environment protection NGOs 3 4

10 OP Environmental Protection Measures 1.1 Establishment of WM centres 1.2 Remediation of “hot spot” sites 2.1 Establishment of modern water supply systems and networks 2.2 Construction of WWTP and upgrading of sewerage network 3.1 OP management and capacity building Major projects + TA for measure 3.1 Priorities 1. Development of waste management infrastructure for establishment of integrated WM system 2. Protection of water resources through improved water supply and wastewater management system 3. Technical assistance IPA III 1 2

11 OP Environmental Protection Allocations  71.33 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 53.49 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds 71.33 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 53.49 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 75% of public funds  2007 = 22.66 MEUR, of which 16.99 MEUR IPA 2007 = 22.66 MEUR, of which 16.99 MEUR IPA  2008 = 24.00 MEUR, of which 18.00 MEUR IPA 2008 = 24.00 MEUR, of which 18.00 MEUR IPA  2009 = 24.67 MEUR, of which 18.50 MEUR IPA 2009 = 24.67 MEUR, of which 18.50 MEUR IPA IPA III 3 Consultations with partners 4  Conducted in the first half of the 2007 Conducted in the first half of the 2007  Included representatives of Counties, Towns and Municipality Association, Chamber of Commerce, Water Supply and Communal Companies group and relevant NGOs (Zelena akcija, Sunce, Zeleni Osijek, Zelena Istra) Included representatives of Counties, Towns and Municipality Association, Chamber of Commerce, Water Supply and Communal Companies group and relevant NGOs (Zelena akcija, Sunce, Zeleni Osijek, Zelena Istra)

12 OP Human Resources Development Measures 1.1 Supporting the design and implementation of active and preventative labour market policy 1.2 Supporting the effectiveness and quality of Croatia’s public employment services 2.1 Supporting access to employment by disadvantaged groups 2.2 Supporting access to education by disadvantaged groups Priorities 1.Enhancing access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labour marketEnhancing access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labour market 2.Reinforcing social inclusion and integration of people at a disadvantageReinforcing social inclusion and integration of people at a disadvantage 3.Enhancing human capital and employabilityEnhancing human capital and employability 4.Technical assistanceTechnical assistance IPA IV 1 2

13 OP Human Resources Development Measures - continued 3.1Further development of the Croatian Qualifications Framework 3.2 Strengthening the provision of Adult Learning 3.3 Supporting the development of institutions and their partners responsible for the provision of vocational education and training, and of adult education 4.1 Project preparation 4.2 Programme management and capacity building IPA IV 2 Allocations 3  45.03 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 38.28 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 85% 45.03 MEUR total for 2007-2009, of which 38.28 MEUR IPA funds. Croatian co-financing at 85%  2007 – 1338 MEUR, of which 11.38 IPA 2007 – 1338 MEUR, of which 11.38 IPA  2008 – 14.94 MEUR, of which 12.70 IPA 2008 – 14.94 MEUR, of which 12.70 IPA  2009 – 16.70 MEUR, of which 14.20 IPA 2009 – 16.70 MEUR, of which 14.20 IPA 4Consultations with partners  Partnership consultations – March 2007 Partnership consultations – March 2007

14 What’s ahead…  OPs submitted to the EC services OPs submitted to the EC services  Consultations with EU member states Consultations with EU member states  Adoption at the COCOF and ESF Committee Adoption at the COCOF and ESF Committee  EC decisions on individual OPs EC decisions on individual OPs  Conclusion of financing agreements between the EC and Croatian government Conclusion of financing agreements between the EC and Croatian government  Work on project (and tendering) documentation Work on project (and tendering) documentation IPA Adoption of OPs  National accreditation ongoing National accreditation ongoing  NAO to submit request for EC accreditation NAO to submit request for EC accreditation  Launching of calls/tenders in 2nd half of 2008 Launching of calls/tenders in 2nd half of 2008 IPA accreditation 1 2

15 Thank you for your attention!


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