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RHA Resident Hall Association 3142 South Campus Dining Hall SGA Student Government Association 0209J,

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2 RHA Resident Hall Association 3142 South Campus Dining Hall SGA Student Government Association 0209J, Student Involvement Suite, Stamp Student Union

3 Clubs & Organizations Take the initiative to jump right in and make the most of your college experience!

4 Personal Safety 24-Hour Escort Service – 5-3555 CALL-A-RIDE 5:30PM – 7AM – 314-CALL Residential Facilities Safety & Security – 4-8601 Emergency Phones Active phone and you are instantly in contact with University Police (Emergency #: 5-3333)

5 Fire Safety Fire Alarms In hallways and other common areas throughout the residence halls Heat-activated Sprinkler Systems In all 46 residence hall buildings in all student rooms Evacuation Plan Personalized emergency evacuation sign with floor plans and emergency information and instructions is clearly posted in every residence hall

6 Storm warnings ess/12.html#weather Remain alert for approaching storms Listen for campus Early Warning sirens, your cue to seek instructions from 1640 AM radio, 88.1 FM radio, Comcast cable channel 76 (Terp TV), or x5-SNOW (or 301-405-7669)

7 Rights & Responsibilities

8 Drug and Alcohol Policies

9 Parties & RAs

10 Tutoring Writing Center

11 Diversity Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, Action

12 Roommate Agreements

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