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Genomics Chapter 18.

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Presentation on theme: "Genomics Chapter 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genomics Chapter 18

2 So what is Genomics? Genetic Maps vs Physical Maps

3 Generation of Physical Maps
Restriction Maps Chromosome-banding patterns Radiation Hybrid maps

4 STS Only occur once in the genome Can be used to make physical maps

5 Whole Genome Sequencing
Needs to be able to sequence larger molecular clones….how can they do this? Clone-by-clone vs shotgun

6 Human Genome Project “Completed” in 2000….with 341 gaps still present in 2004 Found only around 25,000 genes How do we compare to fruit flies…what about rice?

7 The BLAST algorithm Bioinformatics

8 Protein-encoding DNA in Eukaryotes
Single-copy genes Segmental Duplications Multigene Families Tandem Clusters

9 Non-coding DNA in eukaryotes

10 So How can we tell what is actually expressed?
Expressed Sequence Tags

11 So are we all the same? SNP’s Linkage disequilibrium halotypes

12 Comparative Genomics and Proteomics
Look at similarities and differences between species based on genomes Synteny Functional Genomics DNA Microarrays

13 DNA Microarrays Gives the ability to observe and manipulate genes to see which ones are functional where

14 Tansgenics Can be used to determine if two genes from different species have similar functions in other species

15 Applications of Genomics
Identify Infectious Diseases Help Improve Crops

16 Ethical Issues of Genomics???
Think Gataca

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