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European Environment State and outlook – 2005 European Environment Agency.

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1 European Environment State and outlook – 2005 European Environment Agency

2 European Environment Agency, 2005. The European environment — State and outlook 2005. EEA, Copenhagen 2005 (

3 This is the third state and outlook report on the European environment produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA) since 1994.

4 From the authors: „Tackling clearly unsustainable trends in Europe will require real integration of environmental objectives across policy areas such as energy, transport, agriculture, industry and spatial planning. Consumers must also be given the information and incentives to change the way in which their households and lifestyles impact upon their local — and global — environments. It is not easy to bring about such shifts in behaviour but many of the environmental improvements that we need in the coming years can only be brought about through such changes. At the same time, the EU must remain vigilant to ensure that the policy measures already in place are fully implemented and properly enforced”. Jacqueline McGlade

5 According to Regulation (EEC/1210/90), the EEA is required to..'publish a report on the state of, trends in and prospects for the environment every five years, supplemented by indicator reports focusing upon specific issues'. The third report presents past, present and future perspectives for the environment, providing an integrated assessment for understanding the main challenges in Europe's environment bearing in mind economic and social changes in Europe and in the world.

6 Document has four parts: A: Integrated assessment; B: Core set of indicators; C: Country analysis; D: Bibliography of EEA publications since 2000. ! All can be downloaded from the EEA web page

7 Integrated assessment (pp. 28-254) PART A | Integrated assessment (pp. 28-254) Setting the scene Environment and quality of life ;The changing face of Europe Atmospheric environment Climate change ; Air pollution and health Aquatic environment Freshwaters ; Marine and coastal environment Terrestrial environment Soil; Biodiversity Integration Environment and economic sectors ; Looking ahead

8 Part A gives the European environmental features and their relations with socio-economic activities. Trends are presented in relation to the past and future. presents recent European changes through changes of landscape patterns. shows how the role of the environment is perceived in relation to welfare improvements. assesses the potential of Europe's land area to continue providing ecological goods and services and main policy instruments that are influencing change. shows aspects of climate changes, air pollution and its impacts on people's health; focusing on pollution from households, energy supply and transport Concentrates on future challenges and the costs of action/inaction in the face of uncertainty.

9 Part A (cont.) Aquatic environment covers freshwater, marine and coastal environments: main pollution sources and trends are in focus; Marine and coastal ecosystems concentrate on climatic changes and effects on coasts and oceans Terrestrial environment show mainly biodiversity problems providing a comprehensive analysis of terrestrial ecosystems and species and a global use of natural resources shown by its ecological footprint. agriculture, transport, energy and households are presented in the context of improving eco-efficiency.

10 PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 255-407) PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 255-407) Setting the scene Air pollution and ozone depletion Biodiversity Threatened and protected species; Designated areas; Species diversity Climate change Greenhouse gases; Global and European temperature;Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations

11 PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 305-407) PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 305-407) Terrestrial Land take; progress in management of contaminated sites; Waste Municipal waste generation; Generation and recycling of packaging waste; Water Use of freshwater resources; Oxygen consuming substances in rivers; Nutrients; Bathing water quality; Chlorophyll wastewater treatment;

12 PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 305-407) PART B | Core set of indicators (pp. 305-407) Agriculture Gross nutrient balance; Area under organic farming; Energy Energy consumption; energy intensity; Renewable electricity Fisheries Marine fish stocks; Aquaculture production Transport Passenger transport demand; Freight transport demand ;Use of cleaner and alternative fuels

13 Part B An assessment of a set of the European indicators using the 37 EEA/Eionet relevant to: air pollution and ozone depletion, climate change, biodiversity, waste, Related to: terrestrial environment and water and the main economic sectors — agriculture, transport, energy and fisheries.

14 Part B From the executive summary: „Each indicator is presented in a standard four- page template that includes information on policy questions and messages, trends assessment, data quality and methodological developments. The four pages are summaries of more detailed indicator profiles that are available on the EEA website”.

15 PART C | Country analysis PART C | Country analysis Thematic assessment Greenhouse gas emissions Total energy consumption Renewable electricity Emissions of acidifying substances Emissions of ozone precursors Freight transport demand Area under organic farming Municipal waste generation Use of freshwater resources

16 PART C | Country analysis PART C | Country analysis Country perspectives (11 from Baltic Region) Czech Republic, Denmark Estonia Finland GermanyLatvia Lithuania Norway Poland Slovak Republic Sweden (Belarus, Ukraine, Russian Federation lacking)

17 Part C Cross country indicators are identified in the contents

18 Part C Gives detailed country level analysis of progress on environmental issues and contains details from 11 countries representing Baltic Sea Basin nine indicators from the 37 in the core set were used for comparisons used indicators relate to points that policy can affect and on which policy is targeted in the economic sectors that have most impact indicators have data available at the country level with trends enabling analysis of change. They have been earlier identified in the contents

19 European improvements, local choices, global impacts Eurobarometer - over 70 % want decision-makers to give equal weight to environmental, economic and social policies. Europeans are prepared to take some environmental action: - if they had better information on environmental choices that cost little or nothing. - if they felt confident that other citizens were doing the same.

20 European improvements, local choices, global impacts urban wastewater cleaned-up better thus Europe's rivers, lakes and estuaries to recover from pollution. about 18 % of all the territory are protected natural areas - thus and that helps maintainingd ecosystems and preserving biological diversity. forests are regenerating faster and slightly increase in some regions these benefits for people's health and for their quality of life.

21 Improvements, local choices, global impacts Challenges for the future can be found in: increased use of renewable energy resources (wind, solar power); replacement of nonrenewable resources is necessary. changes in the way Europe and our ways of life (difficult!) shift in environmental emphasis from production to consumption issues. increased awareness about environmental and health effects (positive impact on our daily choices shopping, living, working travelling etc. Is expected)

22 European improvements, local choices, global impacts  Household expenditure increased by a third in the  EU-15 between 1990 and 2002.  The estimated 'ecological footprint' of the EU-25 is about 5 'global hectares' per person (= the estimated land area required to produce the resources and to absorb our wastes which is bigger than Japan, half that of the US, double as Brazil or India).  The total global use of natural resources is 20 % higher than the rate of replacement each year.

23 Increasing urbanisation, land use  Between 1990 and 2000 more than 800 000 hectares of naturally productive land were converted into artificial surfaces of urban areas for homes, offices, shops, factories, and roads, the increase is equal 6 %.  The use of land and water from surrounding areas is intensified

24 Climate change and its effects: Rising sea temperatures and increased nutrients levels cause: - algal blooms — harmful to marine life and humans. - changes of zooplankton cause migration of the fish To achieve lower than 2 o C temperature increase CO 2 need to be below 550 ppm greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries should be reduced by 60–80 % by 2050 (compared to 1990). EU Kyoto mid-term goal for 2020 is a 15 to 30 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (rather difficult)

25 Energy demands: Slow progress in replacement to renewable energy respources (sustained investment necessary but shifting to low-carbon energy sources, will increase energy costs for consumers.) Health status is better, exposure to pollutants remain Many forms of air pollution are highly reduced (smog, acid rain). Fine particulates, ozone remain and are highly toxic (6.4% children deaths are caused by outdoor pollution) New chemicals appear from food, various goods farmaceuticals, etc., and act as mixtures causing an increase of cancer or childhood leukaemia

26 Depleting our natural resources World's fish stocks and as well Europe’s are over-fished 18 % of Europe's land area as protected areas under the Natura 2000 network will contribute to securing the health and diversity of its ecosystems. The largest losses for biodiversity during the 1990s were in heath, scrub and tundra, and wetland mires, bogs and fens. Many forests are harvested more intensively than before. Many species remain threatened (42 % of native mammals, 15 % of birds, 45 % of butterflies, 30 % of amphibians, 45 % of reptiles and 52 % of freshwater fish.)

27 Policy-making and market Policy-making should better support citizens through public information and awareness-raising measures Need to encourage behavioural changes amongst Europe's consumers ( transport, energy or agricultural sectors) on less environmentally damaging activities. Political pressure to use more evironmentally friendly technologies, forcing changes in consumers behaviour Tax reform needed towards more sustainable, through a shift of the tax base away from taxing 'good resources' (investment, labour), towards taxing 'bad resources' such as pollution and inefficient use of resources

28 Selected graphs from a series documented in the book For all figures used in this presentation: „Copyright EEA, Copenhagen, 2005”

29 Energy consumption per capita Energy consumption per GDP

30 Organic farming Energy consum- ption

31 Acidified substances per capita in various European countries

32 Greenhouse gas-emissions- a distance to Kyoto protocol (relative)

33 Changes in various energetic resources in total energy used

34 Pb in soils EIONET data

35 Pollution in European rivers

36 Greenhouse gas emissions 1970-2100

37 Ecol. footprint Eco- over- shooting Data from Helcom, Ospar and EEA member countries

38 Endangered forest species

39 Afforestation in Europe MCPFE, 2003. State of Europe's Forests 2003

40 Cod Flounder Herring and their contamination 1986-2002 Data from Helcom, Ospar and EEA member countries

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