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Installation of SNORT, APACHE, PHP, MYSQL and SnortReport.

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Presentation on theme: "Installation of SNORT, APACHE, PHP, MYSQL and SnortReport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation of SNORT, APACHE, PHP, MYSQL and SnortReport.
Presented By Ositadimma Maxwell Ejelike Bahman Radjabalipour

2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition and Microsoft Windows XP Hardware: Compaq 1600 Pentium III dual Processor Server and Pentium IV workstation Software Installed Apache_ win32-x86-src.msi Php Snort_243_Installer.exe WinPcap_3_1.exe Snortrules_snapshot_CURRENT [1].tar.gz Snortreport tar.gz Jpgraph tar.gz Gd zip Mysql Winrar

Operating System: E:\ drive. Snort: F:\Snortapps Apache: E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache SnortReport: E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\snortreport JPGraph:E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\jpgraph GD:E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\gd MYSQL:E:\bin mysql PHP:F:\Snortapps\php Ethereal:E:\Program Files\Ethereal

4 WINPCAP It captures packets from the network cables and throws them to snort It’s a Windows version of libpcap used in Linux for running snort The WinPcap gets information about the network adapters in the network.

5 SNORT Open sourced, lightweight, network intrusion detection system
Uses easy to learn rules to detect and log the signatures of possible attacks It can also be use as a Sniffer It’s a free utility with active community support

6 MYSQL SQL based database software
Most supported platform for storing snort alerts Stores all IDS alerts triggered from our snort sensors. Snort can log directly to MYSQL natively, as the alerts come in.


8 MYSQL CONTD. Winmysqladmin Edit my.ini file
Ran winmysqladmin from a command prompt Bind MySQL to the system localhost IP address, we use Set the communication port; it's 3306 for a typical MySQL installation. Set the key_buffer setting for snort data, we choose 64M

9 MYSQL CONTD. Cleaning MYSQL and creating DB for Snort mysql -u root –p
delete from user where host = "%"; delete from user where user = "“ select * from user drop database test show databases create database snort create database archive Grant INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE on snort.* to identified by "snortdba";

10 APACHE WEB SERVER Web Server of choice for most websites
The sole purpose is for hosting the SnortReport web-based console

LoadModule php4_module F:/Snortapps/php/sapi/php4apache.dll AddModule mod_php4.c Addtype application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml Order deny, allow Deny from all Allow from

12 PHP General-purpose scripting language for web development
Support for a database-enabled web page Provides support for SnortReport

13 PHP FOR SNORT Copy "F:\snortapps\php\php4ts.dll" to " E:\WINDOWS\system32" . Copy "C:\snortapps\PHP\sapi\php4apache4.dll" to "E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\Modules" Copy the file "E:\snortapps\php\php.ini-dist" to our ROOT Folder (E:\WINDOWS) and renamed it to "php.ini". Edit the php.ini max_execution_time = 60 session.save_path = E:/windows/temp removed the ; in front of "; extension=php_gd.dll" doc_root = E:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\snortreport extension_dir = F:\Snortapps\php\extensions

14 JDGRAPH AND GD A general graphics library that supports PNG images It is used to display the nice pie graph in SnortReport Uncompress it to the directory where Apache is installed

15 SNORTREPORT Snort Report is an add-on module for the Snort Intrusion Detection System. It provides real-time reporting from the MySQL database generated by Snort. It’s a Web-based application for viewing all IDS alerts All sensor information is consolidated here for viewing

Uncompress SnortReport Navigate to the snortreport folder and choose srconf.php. Edit the variables below: $server = "localhost"; $user = "snort"; $pass = "snortdb"; $dbname = "snort"; define(“Path of JDGRAPH", “Path of GD"); Reboot the machine Start your browser and type:

17 Configuring snort.conf
var HOME_NET /32 output database: alert, mysql, user=snort dbname=snort password=PASSWORD host= port=3306 sensor_name=maxserver include $RULE_PATH/bahman_Maxwell.rules Include F:\Snortapps\etc\classification.config Include F:\Snortapps\etc\reference.config

18 Configuring Snort as a Service
snort /SERVICE /INSTALL -de -c F:\snortapps\etc\snort.conf -l F:\snortapps\log -i 2 /SERVICE: Windows command to access the Services commands /INSTALL: The command that installs the program as a Window service

19 Running Snort as a service

20 Snort Report

21 Ethereal sniffing the packets

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