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Requirements engineering – seminar with a real case study Zoran Budimac.

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1 Requirements engineering – seminar with a real case study Zoran Budimac

2 Requirements engineering Elective seminar offered this year – 12 students  Three teams + 1 individual to cover validation IV and III year  Budimac and Ivanović Combination of theory and practice Theory  Elicitation  SRS + example, another example of RS (JCSE), overviewed notations (UC, automaton, activity diagrams…)  Validation

3 Practice - 1 Analysis  exercise with sampled interviews for virtual company (12 pages): general manager, IT manager, security officer, financial manager (on site!).  Sampled interviews are for stating the requirements for hardware and software infra-structure for the company  The task was to order the gathered information according to importance

4 Practice 1 - analisys General manager  Two paragraphs saying that they are distributed among 8 centers in 8 countries, having 650 employees, and will grow by 10% every year. Thae wanted a stable solution that will be valid at least 10 years IT manager  9 pages stating in 12 points specific tasks such are what shall be accessible from Internet, what should not, what should be accessible from wireless, how access should be maintained from within a building and from distributed centers… Security officer  1 page stating security issues Financial manager  2 paragraphs stating that the most important application is ERP that has to report in real-time and that money is not the issue 1 2 3 4 Can you guess in one minute?

5 Practice 2 – from interview to specification Subset of a real case study Software for a company selling dishes in a ‘door-to-door’ manner, to be run in three countries  Customers and their status  Contracts With their lifetime (remainders, annulations, invoices, …)  Associates with their hierarchy  Provision (commission) calculation  … Not all phases could be performed properly (e.g., reviews done only by me)

6 Practice 2 (contd.) I was acting in different roles: customer, lecturer, reviewer – we were trying to make a clear difference of my roles.  Face to face, e-mail, Skype This task was done by teams over the semester and should end with a RS according to IEEE SRS recommendation.

7 Practice 3 - automaton Done on the site. To create automaton that describes the lifetime of the contract.

8 Results Final mark based on the final document and solutions to practical aassignments One team got 10, other two got 8  Every team needed 3 itearations until mark could be offered  Two persons are doing additional tasks for better marks Final document

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