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Moments and Turning Forces. The Lifting Challenge  Who is strongest?

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Presentation on theme: "Moments and Turning Forces. The Lifting Challenge  Who is strongest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moments and Turning Forces

2 The Lifting Challenge  Who is strongest?

3 What affects the turning force?  Hold a rod horizontally and hang a weight on the rod near your hand.  Have your partner move the weight away from your hand, try to keep the rod horizontal.  What happens?  Now try it with a heavier weight. Force distance

4  How is the turning force or moment affected by the distance from the pivot?  As the perpendicular distance increases the turning force increases  How is the moment affected by the force (effort) exerted?  As the force increases the moment increases What do you think?

5  How is the moment affected by the distance from the pivot?  As the perpendicular distance doubles the turning force doubles  How is the moment affected by the force (effort) exerted?  As the force doubles the moment doubles  Therefore Moment = Force x perpendicular distance to pivot Can you be more quantitative?

6 Unit for Moment  Determine the unit for the moment of a force. Moment = Force x perpendicular distance to pivot  Newton metre (Nm)

7 Is Moment a vector quantity?  Does the direction matter? Moments can either be clockwise or anticlockwise.  Calculate the moments below. In which direction are they acting? Clockwise or Anticlockwise?

8  Find the total moment acting on the bar above.  When more than one force acts in the same direction, their overall turning effect is just the sum of their moments. What if there is more than one force acting?

9 Moments Circus  There are six stations.  Using the sheet provided record the effort used on each object and measure the perpendicular distance to the pivot  Finally, calculate the moment.  Do not forget units!!

10 Experiment -Testing the principle of moments  Using the apparatus given investigate the principle of moments.

11 Experiment -Testing the principle of moments  When forces act in a different direction, yet still balance, the total turning effect in each direction will be the same:  sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlockwise moments  What did you notice about the anticlockwise moment and the clockwise moment?

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