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The traditional British dishes. (Презентация ученицы 8 класса Князьковой Анны). (Supplementary 1).

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Presentation on theme: "The traditional British dishes. (Презентация ученицы 8 класса Князьковой Анны). (Supplementary 1)."— Presentation transcript:

1 The traditional British dishes. (Презентация ученицы 8 класса Князьковой Анны). (Supplementary 1).

2 Презентация Учеников 8 класса МОУ «Гимназия» г.Гай Оренбургской области Каширина Дмитрия и Глушкова Глеба (Supplementary 2) Цель работы: 1.Изучить материал об испанской кухне. 2.Научиться пользоваться ресурсами сети Интернет. 3.Использовать эти материалы на уроках английского языка.

3 Spanish regional cuisine Catalonia Galicia Basque Country The Spanish Extremadura Madrid-center Castile Kitchen of Andalusia

4 Catalonia Catalonia is located to the north- east country on the border with France. It is here that give acute-pepper sauce romesco, traditional goulash delicious seafood with saffron, tomatoes and potatoes, which are often pouring the top alioli ( "ali" means "garlic" and "oli-virgin olive oil). As in many other parts of Spain, Catalan cuisine actively used chorizo (chorizo), spice smoked sausage, and fresh sausages botifarra members of the traditional and Pulses goulash, are also popular.

5 Galicia Galicia is located in the northwest, from the Atlantic coast. This center of the fishing industry, hence providing the best seafood, especially sea scallops, known as the "symbol of Santiago." In the city of Santiago de Compostela is the Tomb of the apostle Santiago, and it is happening here traditional Spanish almond cake, which is always decorate a sword in memory of the saint.

6 Basque Country Basque Country is famous for its artful cooking and the best Spanish cooks. Since the region borders with France in the north and is located at the foot Periney, he borrowed similar to the French "high" cuisine. This area is also famous for its seafood. As Tapas here often to be found gambas pil pil (fried shrimp in olive oil) and champerniogne pil pil (mushrooms, fried with garlic), they submitted to the low round of ceramic tarelochkah. Also popular piperada-red, omelet with a red pepper, tomatoes and garlic. San Sebastian in the Bay of Biscay is a popular fishing port from which occurs traditional salt cod (balacao).

7 Castile Castile, and the old and the new, simple home of many Spanish dishes in many dishes is Turkish Peas (NUT) and beans, chorizo and pisto (paste of garlic, herbs and olive oil). Traditional potato tortili (tortilla) also hails from this area. In the kitchen kastilskoy particularly noticeable Arab influence.

8 Kitchen of Andalusia In the kitchen of Andalusia had a large influence Moroccan culture. Moors introduced Andalusia with the citrus, almonds and rice for paeli. Cold soup gaspacho born precisely in Andalusia. Today his train of tomato, olive oil, apple vinegar and garlic. But before it appeared in Europe tomatoes, prepared with a white gazpacho grapes and almonds, peretertymi together with the help of the Mauritanian mortar and pestle. Of Andalusia also happens classic salad of oranges and remojon (salted cod), escabeche (marinated fish) and many zakuski-tapas.

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