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KU Leuven MIRI team meeting

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Presentation on theme: "KU Leuven MIRI team meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 KU Leuven MIRI team meeting
MIRI in a nutshell Bart Vandenbussche KU Leuven MIRI team meeting Leuven, 20 june 2013 1

2 2

3 JWST elements 3 Optical Telescope Element (OTE)
Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Located inside an OTE provided ISIM Enclosure Contains 4 Science Instruments (NIRCam, NIRSpec MIRI, FGS / TF) ISIM Electronics Compartment (IEC) Optical Telescope Element (OTE) 6 meter Tri-Mirror Anastigmatic 18 Segment Primary Mirror OTE Backplane / ISIM Enclosure OTE Deployment Tower OTE Secondary Mirror OTE Primary Mirror Aft Optics Subsystem Thermal Region 2 Components maintained at ambient temperatures on cold side of the observatory Thermal Region 1 Components cooled to cryogenic temperatures Thermal Region 3 - Components maintained at ambient temperatures Sunshield (SS) 5 layers to provide thermal shielding to allow OTE and ISIM to passively cool to required cryogenic temperatures SS Layer 5 SS Layer 1 Momentum Trim-Tab Spacecraft Bus Contains traditional “ambient” subsystems Solar Array 3

4 STOWED / DEPLOYED configuration
6.100 m Deployed Configuration 6.600 m m m Stowed Configuration m 4 4.472 m

5 JWST in the Ariane 5 fairing

6 JWST space and ground segment
L2 Point L2 Lissajous Orbit One 4 Hour Contact with the Ground Every 12 Hours Ka-Band Science Link ( Selectable 7, 14, 28 Mbps) S-Band Tlm Link (Selectable Kbps) S-Band Cmd (Selectable 2 and 16 Kbps) S-Band Ranging S-Band Tlm Link ( 2Kbps) S-Band Cmd Link (0.25 Kbps) S-Band Ranging Observatory – Upper Stage Separation Observatory Deployments Solar Array High Gain/ Medium Antennas Sunshield Optical Telescope Element Communications Coverage Provided For all Critical Events L2 Transfer Trajectory Ariane 5 Upper Stage Injects JWST Into Direct Transfer S-Band Tlm Link ( 2Kbps) S-Band Ranging Deep Space Network Space Telescope Science Institute Science & Operations Center GSFC Flight Dynamics Facility Ariane 5 Launch System NASA Integrated Services Network Ariane PPF S5 Communications Services for Launch (TDRS, ESA, …) Observatory / LV Clocking Angle 6

7 Integrated Science Instruments Module ISIM

8 JWST Thermal OTE “BIB” OTE “Frill” Backplane Support Frame (BSF)
Cryogenic Radiators MIRI Radiative Shield Sunshield Membrane Management Subsystem Observatory Core Area ISIM Electronics Compartment (IEC) Sunshield Close-Out Deployed Tower Assembly MIRI Cryo-Cooler Refrigerant Deployed Line Assembly (RLDA) 8

9 MIRI subsystems 9

10 10

11 11

12 JWST instruments 12

13 MIRI 13

14 MIRI overview 14

15 MIRI Imager MIRIM focal plane layout

16 Focal Plane Mask, Debris Disk
MIRIM filters Filter name λ(μm) Δλ(μm) Comment F560W 5.6 1.2 Broad Band F770W 7.7 2.2 F1000W 10 2 Silicate, Broad Band F1130W 11.3 0.7 PAH, Broad Band F1280W 12.8 2.4 F1500W 15 3 F1800W 18 F2100W 21 5 F2550W 25.5 4 F2550WR Redundant Filter FND Neutral Density For Coron. Acquis. F1065C 10.65 0.53 Phase mask, NH3, silicate F1140C 11.4 0.57 Phase mask, cont. or PAH F1550C 15.5 0.78 Phase mask, cont. F2300C 23 4.6 Focal Plane Mask, Debris Disk OPAQUE Blackened Blank N/A For Darks 16

17 Coronograph 17

18 Imager filter wheel 18

19 Low resolution spectrograph

20 MIRIM summary 20

21 Calibration sources Injected through hole in pupil plane image Hot filament, non-imaging flux concentrator. One for MIRIM, one for MRS 21

22 Medium Resolution Spectrometer - MRS

23 Spectrometer pre-optics
LT: light trap BF: blocking filter Dichroics on 2 dichroic wheel assemblies Wheel 1: 1a / 1b / 1c Wheel 2+3: 2a+3a / 2b+3b / 2c+3c

24 MRS dichroic filtering scheme
System transmissions: S[1a] = (1 - t[1a]) * t[blocking1] S[1b] = (1 - t[1b]) * t[blocking1] S[1c] = (1 - t[1c]) * t[blocking1] S[2a] = t[1a] * (1 - t[2a]) * t[blocking2] S[2b] = t[1b] * (1 - t[2b]) * t[blocking2] S[2c] = t[1c] * (1 - t[2c]) * t[blocking2] S[3a] = t[1a] * t[2a] * (1 - t[3a]) S[3b] = t[1b] * t[2b] * (1 - t[3b]) S[3c] = t[1c] * t[2c] * (1 - t[3c]) S[4a] = t[1a] * t[2a] * t[3a]) S[4b] = t[1b] * t[2b] * t[3b]) S[4c] = t[1c] * t[2c] * t[3c])

25 System transmissions from component dichroic transmission fts measurements

26 MRS channels 26

27 MRS Anamorphic pre-optics + IFU

28 Anamorphic pre-optics (APO)
assymetric magnification square input field to rectangular image on slicer 28

29 IFU 29

30 Spectrometer main optics

31 Gratings are on the same wheels as dichroics

32 MRS IFU 32

33 MRS focal plane arrays 33

34 D2c calibration file: camera (x,y) to (lambda, s/c
MRS cube reconstruction D2c calibration file: camera (x,y) to (lambda, s/c 34

35 MRS field and spatial resolution
Channel Wavelength Pixel Size Slice Width Slices FOV Resolving Power µm arcsec # arcsec2 1 0.196 0.176 22 3.00 x 3.87 2 0.277 16 3.50 x 4.42 3 0.245 0.387 5.20 x 6.19 4 0.273 0.645 12 6.70 x 7.73

36 MRS summary 36

37 Raytheon Si:As 1024x1024 BIB detectors SB305 ROIC
Detectors: Focal Plane Module (FPM) Raytheon Si:As 1024x1024 BIB detectors SB305 ROIC 37

38 INTEGRATION RAMPS 2.7 or 27 secnds (fast/slow mode) (for full frame)

39 Subarrays Time between two frames depends on size subarray 39






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