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Colored Shattered Images

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1 Colored Shattered Images
Exploring value, geometric shapes, contour lines and repeat patterns

2 Step One: Select a subject and produce a contour line drawing in the middle of the piece of paper. Students should choose a single object such as a car, insect, person’s face, fish, etc. Subject should be enlarged.

3 Pablo Picasso: “Art consists of inventing & not copying” Born in Spain One of the major founders of “Cubism” Created more than 22,000 works of art in his life time

4 Cubism style: ‘Shattered’ or fragmented objects and shapes
Cubism style: ‘Shattered’ or fragmented objects and shapes. Imagine broken glass!

5 Use of value: from lightest to darkest.
Use of dull or natural colors

6 Geometric Shapes: Mathematical shapes; sharp edges

7 Step Two: After you have drawn your contour drawing, figure out a way to break up/divide your images in a linear way before value is added. Examples are shattered glass, waves of water, spiral of a seashell, or geometrical division of shapes such as squares or triangles. These new lines will overlap the enlarged drawing of their subject. This will make your initial line drawing more visually complicated. The effect is to create many more shapes, like a giant puzzle.

8 Step Three: Now that you have created your contour line drawing, added your linear lines over your drawing, it is time to add value to your project. You will add color to each of your shapes by creating a value scale from lightest to darkest in each geometric shape.

9 Samples of Shattered Images







16 Assignment Colored Shattered Images
Select a subject and produce a contour line drawing in the middle of the piece of paper. Students should choose a single object such as a car, insect, person’s face, fish, etc. Subject should be enlarged. After you have drawn your contour drawing, figure out a way to break up/divide your images in a linear way before value is added. Examples are shattered glass, waves of water, spiral of a seashell, or geometrical division of shapes such as squares or triangles. These new lines will overlap the enlarged drawing of your subject. This will make your initial line drawing more visually complicated. The effect is to create many more shapes, like a giant puzzle. Now that you have created your contour line drawing, added your linear lines over your drawing, it is time to add value to your project. You will add color to each of your shapes by creating a value scale from lightest to darkest in each geometric shape

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