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FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAWING. Contour Drawing: A drawing that uses one or a few lines to draw a subject. A contour drawing defines the edges, value changes,

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Presentation on theme: "FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAWING. Contour Drawing: A drawing that uses one or a few lines to draw a subject. A contour drawing defines the edges, value changes,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Contour Drawing: A drawing that uses one or a few lines to draw a subject. A contour drawing defines the edges, value changes, and surface changes of an object. You do not add value to a contour drawing. Continuous Line Blind Contour: A drawing completed without lifting your pencil and without looking at your paper! However, you MUST be staring at the subject you are drawing. You are training your hands and eyes to move at the same speed. Continuous Line Modified Contour: A drawing that is completed without lifting your pen/pencil. You may look at your paper briefly for reference, and you MUST be looking at what you are drawing. Different Kinds of Contour Drawing

3 Blind Contour Rules Do NOT lift your pen. Do NOT look at your paper while you are drawing. You MUST look at the object/person you are drawing. You must leave a trail from one spot to the next! Continuous Line Blind Contour

4 Hints: 1.Your eyes are like laser beams with pencils on the end of the beam. 2.Your eyes and pencil should move at the same speed when drawing your subject. 3.Observes ALL surface edges, ridges, and color and value changes of an object. 4.DO NOT PEAK AT YOUR PAPER!!! 5.This is NOT about a “pretty” drawing!








12 Modified Contour Rules Do NOT lift your pen. OK to look BRIEFLY at your paper. You MUST look at the object/person you are drawing. You must leave a trail from one spot to the next! Continuous Line Modified Contour

13 Hints: 1.Your eyes are like laser beams with pencils on the end of the beam. 2.Your eyes and pencil should move at the same speed when drawing your subject. 3.Observes ALL surface edges, ridges, and color and value changes of an object. 4.Your eyes should be moving back and forth like watching a tennis match…look at your paper, then look at your subject, paper, then subject, paper subject…. 5.This is NOT about a “pretty” drawing!




17 Example: paper clip, eraser, or small still life object. Hand should be palm-up so you can see your bent fingers. Focus on the curve of the fingers, not the object. Continuous Line BLIND Contour Draw your hand holding an object On your Blind Contour page It is OK if drawing overlaps the other things on that page

18 Draw two still life objects Example: bottle of glue, pencil sharpener, scissors or stapler. Focus on the object do NOT PEEK at your paper! On your BLIND Contour page It is OK if drawing overlaps the other things on that page Continuous Line BLIND Contour

19 Draw your hand holding an object Example: paper clip, eraser, small still life object. Hand should be palm-up so you can see your bent fingers. Focus on the curve of your fingers, not the object. On your MODIFIED Contour page It is OK if drawing overlaps the other things on that page Continuous Line Modified Contour

20 Draw two still life objects Example: bottle of glue, pencil sharpener, toy, scissors or stapler. Focus on the object NOT your paper! On your MODIFIED Contour page It is OK if drawing overlaps the other things on that page Continuous Line Modified Contour

21 1. Drawing is the coordination between eye, hand and mind. 2. Do not focus on your drawing (the paper). You must focus on the object you are drawing 3. Look at the object as if you have never seen it before. 4. Use the language of art when drawing: ● What does the shape look like? ● Is the line horizontal or slanted? ● Does a curve have a smile or a frown? ● What is the distance between shapes? ● Is the edge convex or concave? ● How bumpy is the edge? ● What are the shapes of the negative spaces 5. You must learn to draw lines and shapes; values and tones. TOP 10 DRAWING TIPS

22 6. Your mind HAS the CAPABILITY to keep the information ONLY if you communicate about shapes, proportions, contours, or textures. 7. You must look at your object CONTINUALLY as you draw. DO NOT look once and then rely on your memory. 8. Drawing is a job for the eyes! It does not matter what you draw, but that you see things as lines, shapes, values, textures, and spaces; and that you compare distance and relationships between objects and shapes. 9. If you are having trouble with a specific area, focus on the negative space around the object. If working from a photo, hold the photo upside down. 10. Draw as if you know nothing about drawing: THINK: “There are only shapes that I see, and I can draw shapes. There is no such thing as knowing how to dra w.” TOP 10 DRAWING TIPS


24 Blind Contour Tutorial. Use link with INTERNET EXPLORER

25 Student Samples - Award Winning Work with Continuous Line Contour Drawings




29 Famous works inspired by Continuous Line Contour Drawings

30 Artwork by Pablo Picasso Weeping Woman. 1937

31 Artwork by Pablo Picasso Girl Before A Mirror, 1937

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