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Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PATTERN RECOGNITION Introduction Feature extraction: - spatial.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PATTERN RECOGNITION Introduction Feature extraction: - spatial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PATTERN RECOGNITION Introduction Feature extraction: - spatial feature extraction - transform feature extraction - edge feature extraction; edge detection Objects representation by their boundaries: - contour extraction - contour descriptors Objects representation by their regions: - region extraction - region representation Shapes and structures for region-based object representation: - object skeletons - binary morphology - shape descriptors (numerical shape descriptors) Textures; texture analysis Image segmentation Grey level based segmentation/color based segmentation Connected components analysis Contour-based segmentation Region-based segmentation Mixed techniques

2 Introduction Fig. 8.1 Image analysis system – block diagram Example image analysis tasks: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition License plate recognition

3 Introduction Example image analysis tasks: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Text detection & recognition or removal Trafic sign recognition Calcite localization/assessmentDetect tissue on the slide

4 Introduction Example image analysis tasks: Ways to approach the image analysis task? - “straight forward” approach: analyze the content of the whole image => one will eventually find the entire information, including the information of interest – at too high computational complexity/cost - “smart” approach: focus strictly on the information you’re looking for! and extract only this information from the image  focus on the part of the image containing the information of interest. How? 1)describe somehow the main characteristics of the information of interest  describe the discriminative features of the region containing the information you look for, which are not present in the other regions => represent the image in the best feature space, by a feature map Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Single object images; defect detection on the object

5 E.g. on the images with apples – only interested in the defect area (if there is), and for this defect – it appears darker grey than the normal apple coloration, but not black => design a grey scale slicing to set to black everything else 2)Analyze only the information in the region of interest, using the previously defined feature space/feature map e.g. Apples sort: no defects (defect area <2% of the apple); average defects; large defects… Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition New feature space

6 Feature extraction: Spatial features extraction: Amplitude features: e.g. the brightness levels can identify regions of interest in the image: Amplitude features may be discriminative enough if intensity is enough to distinguish wanted info from the rest of the scene => defining the best parameters of the transformation for feature extraction – most difficult => amplitude feature space representation is not necessarily binary; just that unwanted parts of the scenes should be represented uniquely (i.e. black) in the feature space => sometimes adaptive thresholding/adaptive grey scale slicing is needed. Tissue identification by color coding (e.g. violet)  Can measure afterwards the area, describe the shape, etc. Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

7 Histogram based features: Local histogram = a local statistical description of the image; If u = an image pixel; x=a grey level => p u (x)=the probability of appearance of the grey level x in the image region = a value in the normalized histogram => One can compute: the standard deviation; the entropy; the median; percentiles, of p u (x). Region of interest (ROI) ROI histogram Measurements Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Tissue of interest is well discriminated from the microscopic slide by the standard deviation of the local histogram

8 Transform features extraction Fig.8.2 Transform features extraction Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

9 Edge features extraction. Edge detection Fig. 8.3 Edge detection with gradient operators (8.5) (8.6) Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

10 Fig. 8.4 Edge detection by compass operators a b c d Fig. 8.5 Compass edge detectors (North direction) N NW W SW S SE E NE Fig. 8.6 Compass operators on different directions Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

11 g k (m,n) –compass gradient on the direction k  0,...,7, The gradient in the spatial position (m,n) is defined as: (8.7) Laplace operators and the zero-crossings edge localization method: (8.8) Fig. 8.7 Edge detection by Laplace operators (the 1-D case) The Laplacian: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

12 The Laplacian of Gaussian operator (LoG) Discrete implementations: Gaussian filter The derivative of the Gaussian The 2 nd derivative (Laplacian of Gaussian) Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

13 Edge detection by different operators – comparison: Original image Sobel edge detection LoG edge detection; sigma=5 Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Roberts edge detection LoG edge detection; Sigma=10

14 Objects representation by their boundaries: Contour extraction: Fig. 8.8 4-connectivity; 8-connectivity The Hough transform: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition s θ Φ s x y

15 The Hough transform of lines/random curves: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition No convergence point => The points are not on a straight line ss Approx. convergence => approx. straight line Curve convergence on horizontal axis=> Straight line through the origin s

16 Applications to contour extraction formed by line segments: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Lower left object = Defined by the 3 line intersection points Input image Edge detection (gradient operator) + thresholding => Binary edge map Edge map; Contours not yet extracted/ not yet labeled Apply Hough transform: Extracting the contour of the triangle Contour extraction in 8-connectivity 8-connectivity: Correct labeling 4-connectivity: The contour is “broken” during labeling

17 Contour representation/contour descriptors: Goal: for a given object, described by its contour, find a compact description, by numerical attributes, able to: -Represent the contour with no significant loss of information (regenerative descriptors) -Generate (by a subset of attributes) descriptions of the contour/shape invariant to: scaling; rotation; translation; mirroring; projection distortions; small (limited) variations of shape (among different individual representations of the same shape)  Using the contour descriptors, one can recognize the shape by template matching or shape classification (contour descriptors classification) General assumption: single object contour (all edge pixels connected); 1-pixel width! Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

18 Chain codes and polygonal approximations: Fig. 8.9 Contour representation by chain codes Fig. 8.10 Polygonal approximation of the contours Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Original contour Contour approximation (“quantization”) on a rectangular grid Encode this contour by a chain code with 8 directions, Consider origin= the upper left point; contour following direction = arbitrary; the only possible positions are on the grid corners Start point

19 Fourier descriptors: (8.12) (8.13) (8.14) (8.15) (8.16) leading to a new contour x'(n) y'(n), given by: (8.17) where (8.18) Table 8.1 Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

20 Shape reconstruction from its Fourier descriptors: OriginalReconstruction using the first 2 descriptors only Reconstruction using the first 6 descriptors Reconstruction using the first 10 descriptors Reconstruction using the first 20 descriptors … Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

21 , then for a given translation u 0, the distance d is minimal when: and where a(k)  b*(k)  c(k)e j  k,  -2  n 0 /N and c(k) is a real valued term. Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition Shapes dictionary Model shape Macthing results: d<Thd

22 Objects representation by their regions: Region extraction: same as for contours (use connected components analysis, in 4- or 8- connectivity) Region representation: Fig. 8.11 Quad-tree region representation => the quad-tree code : gbgbwwbwgbwwgbwwb ; decoding: g(bg(bwwb)wg(bwwg(bwwb))) Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

23  Regions skeletons; medial axis transforms: 8.23)  (m,n) : u k (m,n)  u k (i,j),  (m,n;i,j)  1  (8.24) Fig. 8.12 Skeleton extraction Fig. 8.13 Examples skeletons Fig. 8.14 2-pass contour thinning: 2 logic rules: Fig. 8.15 Thinning result R1: P1==1 && N(P1)==1 && 2<=NT(P1)<=6 && P2·P4·P6==0 && P2·P4·P8==0 R2: P1==1 && N(P1)==1 && 2<=NT(P1)<=6 && P2·P6·P8==0 && P4·P6·P8==0 Shapes and structures for region-based object representation: Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

24  Morphological processing. Binary image morphology Fig. 8.16 Algoritmi de transformare morfologica Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

25  Syntactical representation Fig. 8.17 Syntactical representation of an object Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

26 Shape descriptors Applications: shape recognition; quantitative measurements Def.: The shape of an object = the profile of the object + its physical structure => “shape descriptors” Classification: (1) regenerative descriptors (contours; regions; high order statistics; structural and syntactic descriptors) (2) geometrical shape descriptors (area, perimeter, max-min radii, eccentricity, corners, roundness, symmetry) (3) moments Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

27 Geometrical features (geometrical descriptors):  Perimeter: t – some contour parameter - Discrete => T = count of contour pixels  Area: where: R and  R – the object region and the object contour - Discrete => A = count of pixels inside the object region  Min-max radii, R min and R max – the minimum and maximum distances from the center of mass of the object region to its contour (the R max / R min ratio – gives a measure of the eccentricity or elongation of the object) x y dx dy x(t)x(t+1) y(t) y(t+1) R max R min Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

28  Roundness or compactness: For a disc -  is minimum, =1. · Symmetry: 2 types of shape symmetry: rotational and mirror Moment-based features: · Center of mass: · The (p,q) order central moments: · Orientation = the angle of the axis of the smallest moment of inertia – found by minimizing: with respect to  : Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition compactnecompact CompactNon-compact

29 Textures  The texture = the periodic repetition of some basic structures in an image area; the basic image structure is called texel Texture analysis methods: statistical classification; structural classification  Statistical classification techniques:  The auto-correlation function (ACF): the spatial dimensions of the texels are proportional to the width of the auto- correlation functions:: where  Several measures used to evaluate the distribution of the ACF to describe the texture: Artificial textures Natural textures Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

30  Image transforms based approaches: (8.41) Fig. 8.18 Various masks in the frequency domain used for texture analysis ACF for “Sand”ACF for “Wool” Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

31  The edge density – as texture classification feature:  Histogram features for texture analysis: => the co-occurrence histogram: => various features can be extracted from the co-occurrence histogram: - Inertia: - The mean of the distribution: N 0 – the total number of possible orientations. - The variance of the distribution: - The spread of the distribution: Sobel SandRaffia Grass R  Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

32  Random texture models (8.47) Fig. 8.19 Texture analysis model Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

33 Image segmentation Amplitude thresholding/ grey level window slicing Component labeling  Pixel labeling. Region growing 1) Local maxima detection 2) Local minima detection Objects are found between the local minima Object Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

34 Boundary-based image segmentation Fig. 8.23 Segmentation algorithm based on boundary detection Region-based segmentation; segmentation based on regions and boundaries Fig. 8.24 Region merging Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

35 Fig. 8.25 Segmentation by split and merge algorithm: a. input b. region splitting by quad-trees c. segmented regions Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

36 a) Original image c) Main objects detected, marked on the original image by their contour b) Region-based image segmentation Digital image processing Chapter 8 Image analysis and pattern recognition

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