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THE POWER OF A WHISPER Initially Paul thought the best path was toward Asia or Bithynia. But God prompted Paul not to go toward Asia (Acts 16:6)

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5 Initially Paul thought the best path was toward Asia or Bithynia. But God prompted Paul not to go toward Asia (Acts 16:6) or Bithynia (Acts 16:7). Rather God prompted Paul to go toward Europe, Macedonia (Acts 16:9-10).

6 The word grace, ‘charis’ is found ten times in 2 Corinthians 8-9, as these churches are described as arenas of spiritual endowment (8:7), supernatural enablement (8:1; 9:8, 14), godly privilege (8:4), and divine favor (8:9).

7 Decide: What Voices, What Frequencies Will I ‘Dial-Into’?

8 We are not to “…believe every spirit [every voice], but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1).

9 And how do you know if a spirit, a voice, is from God? “…Every spirit that acknowledges…Jesus Christ…” 1 John goes on to clarify “…is from God. Specifically the Jesus who has overcome every other spirit, for greater is that spirit, that voice, than any other voice, in the world. (1 John 4:4).


11 WTUA: ‘What’s The Use Anymore?’ – the spirit of hopelessness and despair. WISS: ‘Why, I’m Sufficient, Supreme!’ – the spirit of pride and rugged individualism.

12 WIWU: ‘Why, I’m Worthless, Unforgiveable’ – the spirit of guilt and shame. WONW – ‘Worship One-God, No Way!’ – the spirit of tolerance and pluralism.

13 WJIS: ‘Wow, Jesus Is Supreme!’ – the spirit of our resurrected, overcoming Lord!

14 Grasp An Amazing Truth: God Can Use Any Road To Bring You Home.

15 First Paul heads for Asia, and the Spirit intercedes, keeping him from preaching there (Acts 16:6). Then Paul heads for Bithynia and the Spirit intercedes again, not allowing him to go there either (Acts 16:7).


17 God is our ultimate Garmin saying a similar thing when we’re lost; even deliberately sinful and lost: recalculating, recalculating -- here’s how to turn around – here’s the correct path – here’s the better way.

18 I mean Abraham was on the wrong road in Genesis 12, even though it was a familiar road (Genesis 12:1). But God got Abraham on the right road -- the Promise Land Road – marked by milk, honey and destiny (Genesis 12:4-9).

19 The Prodigal Son was on the wrong road in Luke 15, even though it was a pleasurable road (Luke 15:11-13). But God got the Prodigal Son on the right road -- the Fathers- House Road – marked by forgiveness, grace and homecoming (Luke 15:22-24).

20 And Saul, better known as Paul, was on the wrong road in Acts 8, even though it was powerful road (Acts 8:1-3). But God got Saul on the right road -- The Damascus Road – marked by salvation, healing, and mission (Acts 9:1-18).

21 “God [uses] all the wrong roads to get us to the right places.” - C.S. Lewis

22 Move Out Quickly, Risking Some New Ministry For Jesus

23 “Come over to Macedonia and help us…” (Acts 16:9).

24 “After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready -- at once -- to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them…” (Acts 16:10).


26 Move out and risk for Jesus!

27 Where is the Spirit prompting you: “Come over to Macedonia and help…” (Acts 16:9).



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