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Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Harmonization with acquis and challenges of translating it.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Harmonization with acquis and challenges of translating it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Harmonization with acquis and challenges of translating it

2 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Experience of the Republic of Macedonia in the process of transposing the EC law - According SAA - According NPAA -According European partnership for 2006 -According Annual Programme of the Government

3 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Requirements for improving the transposition process 1. Changing the national legislation 2. Increasing the knowledge about basic principles of EU law

4 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Instruments in the transposition process 1.The importance of the Statement of Conformity in the process of the transposition of the EU law in the national legislation 2.Involved parties in using the Statement

5 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia The meaning and needs of Table of Correspondence 1.Obligation of the line ministries to prepare Tables of Correspondence 2. Kinds of Tables of Correspondence 3. New changes in the Tables of Correspondence and their connection with the Statement of Conformity

6 Secretariat of legislation Government of the Republic of Macedonia Organization of the translating process of the EU legislation 1.the role of the Secretariat for European affairs 2.the role of the Technical Comities for the legal and expert revision of the translating 3.Importance of the translation in the legal process of transposition

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