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What is Epidemiology? The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations. Source: Mausner and Kramer, Mausner.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Epidemiology? The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations. Source: Mausner and Kramer, Mausner."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Epidemiology? The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations. Source: Mausner and Kramer, Mausner and Bahn Epidemiology- An Introductory Text, 1985.

2 Child and Adult Asthma Prevalence United States, 1980-2007 12-Month Lifetime Child  Adult Source: National Health Interview Survey; CDC National Center for Health Statistics Current

3 Asthma Prevalence by Sex United States, 1980-2007 12-Month Lifetime Female  Male Source: National Health Interview Survey; CDC National Center for Health Statistics Current

4 12-Month Asthma Prevalence by Race United States, 1980-1996 Source: National Health Interview Survey; CDC National Center for Health Statistics Black White

5 Asthma Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity United States, 1997-2008 Lifetime Attack Current ▲ Black NH  White NH  Hispanic Source: National Health Interview Survey; National Center for Health Statistics


7 Current Asthma Prevalence for Youth by Race/Ethnicity, Ages 5-17, 2005-2007 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. Health Data Interactive. [July 15, 2009]. 10.1% Overall

8 Asthma Disparities Among U.S. Children  Low-income populations, minorities, and children living in inner cities experience more ED visits, hospitalizations, and deaths due to asthma than the general population. 1  The burden of asthma falls disproportionately on non- Hispanic black, American Indian/Alaskan Native and some Hispanic (i.e., Puerto Rican) populations. 2, 3 1 Lieu TA et al. Racial/Ethnic Variation in Asthma Status and Management Practices Among Children in Managed Medicaid. Pediatrics 2002; 109:857–865. 2 National Center for Health Statistics. Health data for all ages 3 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and National Pharmaceutical Council. Ethnic Disparities in the Burden and Treatment of Asthma. Reston, 2005.

9 Population Disparities in Asthma  Current asthma prevalence is higher among  children than adults  boys than girls  women than men  Asthma morbidity and mortality is higher among  African Americans than Caucasians Source: MMWR 2007;56(No. SS-8):1-54

10 Asthma* Hospital Discharge Rates # by Sex United States: 1980-2006 Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC National Center for Health Statistics, * First-listed diagnosis, # Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population Males Females

11 Adult and Child Asthma Hospital Discharge Rates United States, 1996-2006 Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC National Center for Health Statistics,* First- listed diagnosis, # Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population Children Adults

12 Asthma Hospital Discharge Rates by Race United States, 1980-2006 White Other Black Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC National Center for Health Statistics, * First-listed diagnosis, # Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population

13 Asthma Mortality Rates by Sex, United States: 1979-2005 Male Female Source: Underlying Cause of Death; National Center for Health Statistics * Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population ICD-9ICD-10

14 Asthma Mortality Rates by Age United States: 1979-2005 65 + Source: Underlying Cause of Death; CDC National Center for Health Statistics * Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population ICD-9 ICD-10 35-64 5-9

15 Asthma Mortality Rates by Race United States: 1979-2005 White Black Source: Underlying Cause of Death; CDC National Center for Health Statistics * Age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. population ICD-9ICD-10 Other

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