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Presentation on theme: "THE AMERICAN SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 American System: Introduction
In 1815, President James Madison presented a plan to Congress that would help unite the different regions of the United States. President Madison wanted to create a self- sufficient country that would maintain a stable economy without foreign products and develop a united country. Three major points of the American System: 1. Establish a protective tariff 2. Establish a national bank 3. Developing transportation systems

3 American System: Definition
What is Henry Clay’s American System? House Speaker, Henry Clay coined the term “American System” in 1815, after President Madison created a plan to unite the Northern and Southern economies. The President’s plan to unite the nation was welcomed by the Senate and the House, and quickly a plan was set in place to employ this new American System.

4 Think about it… Task: Imagine you were the one who had created the plan called the American System to help the U.S. become independent of other nations. Write a letter to Congress asking them to support your plan. Explain your 3 main points AND provide at least one example for each to show support of how it would work.


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