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Objectives FOR TODAY 1. Space to discuss Inequality as it relates to the work we do 2. To get input on what an Oxfam Inequality Report could say and look.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives FOR TODAY 1. Space to discuss Inequality as it relates to the work we do 2. To get input on what an Oxfam Inequality Report could say and look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives FOR TODAY 1. Space to discuss Inequality as it relates to the work we do 2. To get input on what an Oxfam Inequality Report could say and look like 3. Get clarity on next steps on the report

2 Agenda 9-9.30: welcome and agenda 9.30-10.30: Warming up on inequality 10.30-11am: BREAK 11-1pm: Angles on inequality 1-2pm: LUNCH 2-3.30: Input on Oxfam Inequality Report 3.30-4: Wrap up

3 Inequality warming up! Emma Seery, Feb 2014, Accra

4 Economic inequalities: why care? 1. Undermine poverty reduction: * World Bank: 1% of growth in ‘low inequality’ country reduces poverty by 4%, but in ‘high inequality’ country no reduction * Oxfam, Left Behind by the G20: In South Africa reducing inequality by 10 points would lift 1.5 million out of poverty, but no reduction will see 8.1 million more (2010-20) 2. Are huge, unfair and self-perpetuating * WB: children of the rich will be richer/ as rich as parents * In 2011: richest 1% earned the same amount as poorest 56% * 85 people have as much wealth as poorest half of global pop * Leads to capture of institutions and rules by elites

5 Giving 0.1% of income growth of top 20% to bottom 40% would lift 160 million people out of poverty


7 Economic inequalities: solutions 1. Fair and progressive taxation * Progressive taxation: El Salvador – poorest 20% pay 3.5 times more tax than the richest 20% (relative to income) * Tackling tax havens and secrecy that suck hundreds of billions out of poor country budgets 2. Public Spending and Public Services: *Universal free services (health, education, social protection) * Counter cyclical spending and meeting spending targets 3. And more of course * Social protection, decent work and wages...

8 could this open more space for us to influence?

9 back to the dominican republic....

10 Thank you

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