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VICAA Vicerrectorado de Coordinación Académica y Alumnado.

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Presentation on theme: "VICAA Vicerrectorado de Coordinación Académica y Alumnado."— Presentation transcript:

1 VICAA Vicerrectorado de Coordinación Académica y Alumnado

2 u na e nseñanza or ientadaal ap rendizaje ueraop EDUCATION FOR LEARNING

3 PRECEDENTS 4 The Plan for Educational Innovation (UPV - PIE,1988). 4 The National Plan for Quality Assessment in Universities PNECU (1996). 4 The Complementary Assistance in Education (UPV - ACE, 1996). 4 Plan for Multi-Yearly Financing of Universities signed with the regional government of Valencia joined with attained goals (1999). 4 The European Higher Education Area (Bologna and Praga Declarations, 1999-2001).

4 OBJETIVES 4 Encourage and involve the entire University community (Lecturers, Staff and Students) in this project. 4 Focus teaching on attaining student knowledge. 4 Ensure that students develop to the maximum their capacity for self-learning. 4 Provide mechanisms that reduce the current brusque changeover to university faced by new intake students. 4 Play a decisive role in improving assessment methods, encouraging ongoing and overall assessment, as well as gauging the student’s actual knowledge. 4 Put education at the service of society, gear teaching and learning towards employment. 4 Provide teaching in Valencian and English and the study of both languages. 4 Encourage the mobility and exchange of lecturers, students and staff with other universities. 4 Promote academic improvements in teaching which involve faculties and departments on one level, and each lecturer and student on a personal, individual level. 4 Provide incentives that enable these objectives to be attained.

5 Programa de A yuda C omplementaria a la E nseñanza Programa de A yuda a la O rganización D ocente Programa de A yuda a la F ormación I ntegral del Alumno Programa de A yuda a la M ejora en el A prendizaje Programa de A yuda a la M ejora de la E nseñanza Programme for Complementary Assistance in Education Programme for Assistance in Academic Organisation Programme for Assistance in Comprehensive Student Education Programme for Assistance in Teaching Improvements Programme for Assistance in Learning Improvements

6 PROYECTO EUROPA OBJETIVE : Provide incentives for ensuring the academic quality of teaching staff. Programa de A yuda C omplementaria a la E nseñanza Programme for Complementary Assistance in Education

7 PROYECTO EUROPA OBJETIVE : Enhance the initiatives of faculties and departments wishing to become familiar with the Programme; improve their structures; develop coordination and information channels. Programa de A yuda a la O rganización D ocente Programme for Assistance in Academic Organisation

8 PROYECTO EUROPA ADO1.- Establishing faculty advisory council ADO2.- Degree and academic year coordinators ADO3.- Surveys on current situation in each faculty ADO4.- Awards for excellence ADO5.- Faculty information booklets ADO6.- Proyecto Europa (PE) coordinator in departments ADO7.- Risk management ADO8.- Environmental management

9 PROYECTO EUROPA OBJETIVE : Foster complementary education that leads to broader student training and contributes to optimal entry into the labour market. Programa de A yuda a la F ormación I ntegral del Alumno Programme for Assistance in Comprehensive Student Education

10 PROYECTO EUROPA AFI1.- Comprehensive Complementary Education AFI2.- Incentives for Ongoing Education AFI3.- Incentives for Teaching in Valencian AFI4.- Incentives for Teaching in English AFI5.- Parallel Education for Improving Curriculum

11 PROYECTO EUROPA OBJETIVE : Assistance in improving student learning by providing alternative academic methods and tools that encourage self- study. Programa de A yuda a la M ejora en el A prendizaje Programme for Assistance in Learning Improvements

12 PROYECTO EUROPA AMA1.- Reception Workshops AMA2.- Guidance in P.F.C (Final Year Project) AMA3.- Tutorials Lecturers-tutors AMA4.- Tutorials Students-tutors AMA5.- Employment-oriented Education AMA6.- Across-the-board Liaison in Teaching AMA7.- Publication of Interactive Books for Self-study

13 PROYECTO EUROPA OBJETIVE : Assistance in enhancing combined efforts between each faculty and its teaching departments, improvement in coordinating curriculum subject programmes, provide incentives for implementing new teaching-learning methods, facilitate the introduction of assessment methods that handle more information about each student, implement coordinated projects that improve the qualifications of teaching staff. Programa de Ayuda a la Mejora de la Enseñanza Programme for Assistance in Teaching Improvements

14 PROYECTO EUROPA AME1.- Coordination of Degree Programmes AME2.- New Teaching-learning Methods AME3.- Improvements in Assessment Methods AME4.- Improvements in Pedagogic Qualifications of Teaching Staff AME5.- Complementary Training of Teaching Staff in Professional Activities AME6.- Update Teaching Staff Knowledge AME7.- Short-term Teacher Exchange in European Countries

15 For further information: 4 Télefono (34) 96 387 71 01 4 4 GABINETE DE GESTIÓN DE RECURSOS DE AYUDA A LA DOCENCIA



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