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C REATING L IFELONG H ABITS FOR S UCCESS Starting with the man in the mirror.

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Presentation on theme: "C REATING L IFELONG H ABITS FOR S UCCESS Starting with the man in the mirror."— Presentation transcript:

1 C REATING L IFELONG H ABITS FOR S UCCESS Starting with the man in the mirror

2 W HERE DO YOU START ? You must win the private battles you have with yourself All change begins with YOU! INSIDE OUT Not OUTSIDE IN How you feel about yourself is like a bank account You make deposits and withdrawals by the things you do, say, and think

3 T HE P ERSONAL B ANK A CCOUNT Symptoms of a Poor PBA You cave in to peer pressure You wrestle with feelings of depression and inferiority You’re overly concerned about what others think of you You act arrogant to hide your insecurities You self-destruct by getting heavily into drugs, pornography, vandalism, gangs, etc. You get jealous easily, especially when someone close to you succeeds

4 T HE P ERSONAL B ANK A CCOUNT Symptoms of a Healthy PBA You stand up for yourself and resist peer pressure You’re not overly concerned about being popular You see life as a generally positive experience You trust yourself You are goal driven You are happy for the success of others

5 T HE P ERSONAL B ANK A CCOUNT PBA Deposits Keep promises to yourself Do small acts of kindness Be gentle with yourself Be honest Renew yourself Tap into your talents PBA Withdrawals Break personal promises Keep to yourself Beat yourself up Be dishonest Wear yourself out Neglect your talents

6 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 1 Make a list of talents you most admire in other people Person:Talents I admire:

7 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 2 Talent I want to develop this year: How do I get there? List specific steps to developing the talent you listed.

8 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 3 Identify one class that you would like to achieve better grades in: List THREE steps you can take to help you achieve those grades

9 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 4 Identify THREE past mistakes. List THREE solutions for moving forward and not making those mistakes again

10 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 5 Identify how you feed your soul. List THREE activities you enjoy that renew your spirit.

11 A SSIGNMENT #1—P ART 6 Describe how you can make deposits in your PBA. Identify THREE things you can do to make healthy choices and positive deposits into your PBA.

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