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Proper Entry Task Diary Entries For Inquiry 9 You Need: 100 sheet, 7 ½” x 9 ¾” composition book just for science. *Please try to avoid spiral bound notebooks!

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Presentation on theme: "Proper Entry Task Diary Entries For Inquiry 9 You Need: 100 sheet, 7 ½” x 9 ¾” composition book just for science. *Please try to avoid spiral bound notebooks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proper Entry Task Diary Entries For Inquiry 9 You Need: 100 sheet, 7 ½” x 9 ¾” composition book just for science. *Please try to avoid spiral bound notebooks! Tahoma Junior High 9 th Grade Science Maple Valley, WA

2 First and last name PRINTED clearly on FRONT COVER, along with teacher’s name and period. (it may be good to write this same information inside the front and back covers as well)

3 Why are ET’s useful & Important?:  Practice critical thinking  Practice note-taking skills.  Writing=increased retention!  Helps you appreciate & understand what you have learned!  EASY points!  Understanding helps get HW in on time & study for tests  Provide help for friends who were absent  Reinforces learning outside of class- reflection increases that learning!

4 Each sheet ( two pages ) is for one day’s entry and comes in 3 parts: 1.Write the entry task question with your attempt to answer the question. 2. Notes on the debrief – even if you got the answer correct. 3. Three column reflection “proving” what you have learned (SCaR)!

5 A day’s complete Entry Task should look like this:

6 ET #1 9/06/14 Question: Write Complete question Answer: write as the best answer you can offer from your head, using no notes. (it’s OK to be wrong!) Notes taken during the debrief on the correct answer and anything else that may help you remember the answer. Each new day starts on the right hand side of a new page and should look like this. Draw a heavy line to separate the two sections. Day # and date (front page)

7 *On back of ET paper will be your reflective SCaR writing page: *Create three columns to separate each idea *Write down the SCR question @ top of page! *For tests, study the questions on the front page with the debrief notes ( correct answers ) and reflective writings on back page.

8 Keep your ET journal up-to-date, in sequence and complete – REGARDLESS of whether you’re absent or late to class. *If absent, get information from a reliable student Journals WILL BE COLLECTED ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE Each day is worth 5 points Therefore, with 90 class days, your ETjournal is worth about 400 points ( about the same as 4 tests !). This should be an easy “A” for everyone.

9 Question: How can I get good grades? SCR - Simplify, Connect, and Reconnect (back page) 1.Stay up to date on what’s going on in class because it will help me to learn the concepts at a higher level. 2.Do my SCaR reflection on what I learned that day. 3. Pay attention in class & stay engaged in the discussion. S C-DRAW/SKETCH 3 pictures ( labeled ) to give you a visual of each idea mentioned in “S” column-this is the CONNECT part! R-one reconnect for each idea in “S” RC 1a. Use my planner or agenda 2a. Ask for help if I don’t understand SCR ? 3a. Do HW so I know what’s going on in discussion! Write out Question. S-3 MAIN ideas or definitions you’ve learned in your own words (sentences)!

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