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¡HOLA! Translate the following phrases to Spanish: 1.It’s raining 2.It’s hot 3.It’s cold 4.What’s the weather like? 5.It’s windy 6.It’s snowing Llueve.

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Presentation on theme: "¡HOLA! Translate the following phrases to Spanish: 1.It’s raining 2.It’s hot 3.It’s cold 4.What’s the weather like? 5.It’s windy 6.It’s snowing Llueve."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡HOLA! Translate the following phrases to Spanish: 1.It’s raining 2.It’s hot 3.It’s cold 4.What’s the weather like? 5.It’s windy 6.It’s snowing Llueve. Hace calor. Hace frío. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace viento. Nieva.

2 ANUNCIO QUIZ THURSDAY!!! We’ll talk more about it later

3 HELP WORDS ¿Cómo se dice…? ¿Cómo se escribe…? ¿Qué significa…? ¿Puedo ir al baño? Gracias Por favor De nada How do you say? How do you spell? What does …. Mean? Can I go to the bathroom? Thank you Please You’re welcome

4 CLASSROOM COMMANDS Siéntense Levántense Silencio Levanta la mano Repitan Escriban Sit down Stand up Silence Raise your hand Repeat Write









13 ¿Cómo se dice…?¿Qué significa…? ¿Puedo ir al baño?Necesito… Tengo una pregunta.Entreguen. Presten atenciónSilencio por favor Levanta la manoSiéntate LevántateEscucha EscribeLee How do you say... Can I go to the bathroom I have a question. Pay attention (command) Raise your hand (command) Stand up (command) Write (command) What does it mean... I need... Hand in (command) Silence, please. Sit down (command) Listen (command) Read (command)

14 Aprender de memoriaContestar DiscutirExplicar Pedir ayudaSacar una buena nota Llegar a tiempoLlegar tarde RespetarUsar los electrónicos Llevar el uniformeTraer To memorize To discuss To ask for help To arrive on time To respect To wear one’s uniform To answer To explain To earn a good grade To arrive late To use electronics To bring

15 Las reglas: __________________________________ Hay que __________________________________ Se prohibe __________________________________ Puede __________________________________ *** After “Hay que,” “Se prohibe,” and “Puede,” use the _____________________ The rules You have to... You are not allowed to... You can... INFINITIVE

16 Hay que llevar el uniforme: ______________________________________________________________________ Se prohibe usar los electrónicos: _______________________________________________________________________ Puede pedir ayuda: _______________________________________________________________________ You have to wear your uniform. You are not allowed to use electronics. You may ask for help.

17 Relojes (saquen una hoja de papel) g Please number your paper 1-4 on the front and 1-11 on the back

18 Timeswatter (saquen una hoja de papel)

19 9:0012:303:45 1:0010:15 11:344:507:13 6:552:152:45

20 LA CLASE Students will practice individually with la clase (front and back).

21 NUESTRAS REGLAS Create a rough draft of a rules poster you could make for our classroom using hay que/se prohibe/puede) 3 things you are supposed to do 3 things you are NOT supposed to do (one can be from a dictionary) Include at least one supposed to picture and one not supposed to picture ONLY SPANISH 5 MINUTES SILENTLY, 5 MINUTES WHISPERING

22 LAS REGLAS POSTER Work with 3-4 people (no more or less) Same rules as with the rough draft (6 rules--> 3 things you must do, 3 things you cannot do) Use hay que/se prohibe/puede phrases Make sure ALL of your names AND your class period are written on the poster THIS IS GRADED FOR COMPLETION. YOU MUST FINISH IN THE GIVEN TIME.

23 TOP 3 STUDY SKILLS Práctica 1: Vocabulary List. Writing the words will help you practice spelling as well. Práctica 2: Highlight all grammar concepts in your notes. Make flashcards with the concept (write the topic on one side, how to do it on the other side). Ex: Side 1: Writing the dateSide 2: Hoy es el (number) de (month). Práctica 3: Practice old questions from class and check them based on your notes.

24 La salida 1) Write 3 things that you see in the classroom 2) Write 3 things that are not in the classroom 3) Write one class rule

25 Concurso del alfabeto Alphabet Quiz

26 Name a Spanish-speaking country for each of these letters: ABCABC

27 Dalí was a Spanish a)General b)Painter c)Scientist

28 Give a Spanish first name (nombre de pila) for a boy for these letters: EFEF

29 The Galápagos Islands are off the coast of a)Spain b)México c)Ecuador

30 Horchata is a a)Plant b)Drink c)Dance

31 Give a Spanish first name (nombre de pila) for a girl for each of these letters: IJIJ

32 Katún is: a)A comic book b)A period of 20 years in the Mayan calendar c)A Spring festival in Uruguay

33 Name a city or town in a Spanish-speaking country for these letters: LMLM

34 What N is the patterns of lines drawn in a desert in Perú? a)Nazca b)Nerja c)Nájera

35 Which O is the odd one out? a)Oso blanco b)Oso major c)Oso perezoso

36 Which P is the odd one out? a)Los Pirineos b)Los Picos de Europa c)Los Paradores

37 Q Quito is the capital city of which Spanish-speaking country?

38 R The Running of the bulls takes place in which Spanish city?

39 Which S is a drink made up of red wine, citrus juice & zest, cinnamon and lots of sugar? a)Sangria b)Sandía c)Sidra

40 T Which T is the Spanish city famous for sword- making?

41 U Which U is what you should eat twelve of at midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck?

42 V In which region of Spain beginning with V does the tomato-throwing festival of La Tomatina take place?

43 Which English Duke whose name starts with W fought against the French in Spain?

44 Xipe Totec was a god of the a)Aztecs b)Mayans c)Incas

45 A Yatista is a person who a)Paints portraits b)Goes sailing c)Talks a lot

46 Z What Z is a Spanish mixture of theatre, music and dance?

47 Las respuestas (the answers)

48 Name a Spanish-speaking country for each of these letters: Argentina Bolivia Chile The teacher will be the judge of these answers!

49 Dalí was a Spanish b)Painter

50 Give a Spanish first name (nombre de pila) for a boy for these letters: Eduardo Fernando The teacher will be the judge of these answers!

51 The Galápagos Islands are off the coast of c)Ecuador

52 Horchata is a b)Drink

53 Give a Spanish first name (nombre de pila) for a girl for these letters: Ines Julia The teacher will be the judge of these answers!

54 Katún is: b)A period of 20 years in the Mayan calendar

55 Name a city or town in a Spanish-speaking country for these letters: Lima Montevideo The teacher will be the judge of these answers!

56 What N is the patterns of lines drawn in a desert in Perú? a)Nazca

57 Which O is the odd one out? b)Oso major It is a constellation. The other two are animals: oso blanco = polar bear; oso perezoso = sloth

58 Which P is the odd one out? c)Los Paradores They are luxury hotels in Spain. The other two are mountain ranges in Spain

59 Q Quito is the capital city of which Spanish- speaking country? Ecuador

60 R The Running of the bulls takes place in which Spanish city? Pamplona

61 Which S is a drink made up of red wine, citrus juice & zest, cinnamon and lots of sugar? a)Sangria Sidra is cider Sandia is a watermelon

62 T Which T is the Spanish city famous for sword- making? Toledo

63 U Which U is what you should eat twelve of at midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck? Uvas (grapes)

64 V In which region of Spain beginning with V does the tomato- throwing festival of La Tomatina take place? Valencia

65 Which English Duke whose name starts with W fought against the French in Spain? Wellington

66 Xipe Totec was a god of the a)Aztecs

67 A Yatista is a person who b)Goes sailing

68 Z What Z is a Spanish mixture of theatre, music and dance? Zarzuela

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