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“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto

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1 “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto
Vocabulary and Literary Elements Power Point

2 Elective (n) – an optional academic course or subject
He was handed a packet of papers and a computer card on which he listed his one elective. pg. 21

3 Scowl (v) – to look angry by drawing the eyebrows together and frowning
He scowled and let his upper lip quiver. pg. 22

4 Quiver (v) – to shake with a slight, rapid movement
He scowled and let his upper lip quiver. pg. 22

5 Ferocity (n) – extreme fierceness; intensity
His teeth showed along with the ferocity of his soul. pg. 22

6 Conviction (n) – a strong belief, assuredness
Umm, he thought, maybe it does work. He scowled with greater conviction. pg. 23

7 Linger - (v) to continue to stay; delay leaving
Only Teresa lingered, talking with the homeroom teacher. pg. 23

8 Trudge - (v) to walk heavily; plod
As he trudged to English, he practiced scowling. pg. 23 http;//

9 Portly - (adj) stout or overweight
In English, they reviewed the parts of speech. Mr. Lucas, a portly man, waddled down the aisle, asking, “What is a noun?” clipart

10 Bluff - (v) to mislead or deceive
He tried to bluff his way out by making noises that sounded French. pg. 24

11 Sheepishly – (adv.) with a bashful or embarrassed look
He looked sheepishly at the teacher, who was erasing the board, then widened his eyes in terror at Teresa who stood in front of him.

12 About the Author Gary Soto Born in 1952
Grew up in Fresno, California in a Mexican-American community Writes poems, essays, and novels He also teaches and has won many awards www,

13 Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story
1st Person – narrator is the character in the story -- Look for pronouns – I, me, we, us

14 Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story
2nd person – narrator tells story to someone Look for pronoun – you

15 Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story
3rd person – narrator is not a character -- Look for pronouns – he, she, it , they, them 3rd person omniscent – narrator relates to the thoughts, feelings, and actions of ALL characters 3rd person limited – narrator tells what ONE person think, feels, and observes

16 Theme Theme: Central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work or piece of writing.

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