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UNCLASSIFIED National Guard Domestic Mapping Requirements.

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1 UNCLASSIFIED National Guard Domestic Mapping Requirements

2 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center National Guard NG is really made up of State NG, which is composed of local units and ultimately local citizens The Governor of each State, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands is the Commander in Chief of all Army and Air National Guard units not in active Federal service within his or her jurisdiction

3 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center NG Missions Organized for National Defense (Homeland Defense Mission); Air Defense, Missile Defense, Land warfare (Title 10) Supports some Federal Homeland Security requirements (CBRN, CIP, in particular) (Title 32) Supports State requirements for Homeland Security and Disaster Response and Recover missions (e.g. DART) (Title 32 and SAD)

4 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center National Guard Bureau Role NGB has support role; training, equiping, funding, policy/guidance Geospatial philosophy is to provide capabilities that meet NG State baseline requirements that States can augment/utilize as needed. Example: Common Operational Picture (COP)

5 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Levels of Requirements Tactical (boots on the ground) Field Unit Command (Company/Battalion/Brigade) Joint Task Force (JTF) Joint Forces HQ – State (JFHQ-State) Joint Operations Center (JOC) National Guard Bureau Chief NGB Joint Staff Joint Coordination Center (JoCC) Army Guard Domestic Ops Center (DOC) Air Guard Crisis Action Team (CAT)

6 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Digital Map - beta eTOPO Quads National Map Base Data 8 layers/categories Formats/Dissemination Datum, Scales

7 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Authoritative Data Sources For Common Operational Picture Support USGS Earthquakes Landslides WaterWatch National Map Base Data Wildfires?

8 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Imagery Dissemination USGS EROS Data Center HDDS/EO Portal – focal point for Disaster Response/Recovery Imagery from various partners DHS/FEMA creation of Imagery/Remote Sensing Portal?

9 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Utilizing Services Rehosting extensive base data (elevation, imagery, landuse, transportation networks, etc.) is time consuming and costly Generally, NG are relying on 3 rd parties to provide base data services for web applications, geoMashups, and ArcGIS Explorer Currently, NGB primarily relies on ESRI and other data providers for base data services Can USGS fill this information gap for Federal govt. customers? Greater agility and responsiveness required

10 UNCLASSIFIED 15 Sept 2009 USGS Denver Federal Center Outstanding Issues Training/Dissemination NGB cannot yet speak authoritatively about State NG unit/tactical requirements Need requirements focus group work Partnering with DSCA partners and USGS

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