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Horticulture Science Unit A Horticulture CD Understanding Integrated Pest Management Problem Area 5.

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2 Horticulture Science Unit A Horticulture CD

3 Understanding Integrated Pest Management Problem Area 5

4 Integrated Pest Management Lesson 1

5 Interest Approach Is the Food Supply Safe?

6 Interest Approach cont. What Can You Do to Produce “Safe” Products? Is it safe to use pesticides? Is it safe to use biotech products? Is it safer to go organic?

7 Student Objectives By the End of the Lesson, You Should Be Able To: 1. Explain integrated pest management. 2. Explain best management practices. 3. Identify the basic elements of an integrated pest management program.

8 Terms Action threshold Best management practices (BMPs) Economic or aesthetic injury level Integrated pest management (IPM) Scouting

9 What is Integrated Pest Management? IPM is using BMP (best management practices) to produce products with the least impact to the environment. IPM uses commonsense approaches to production problems. As opposed to just applying more chemicals.

10 Economic Injury Level The point at which plant losses due to the pests are equal to the cost of control of the pest. This optimizes pest control within the constraints of economic, social, and environmental conditions. Esthetic Injury Level – value of beauty lost = cost of control


12 IPM Is an ecologically based pest control strategy Includes natural factors Natural enemies –Beneficial insects –Fungi Weather

13 Phase One Involves Pest identification Monitoring Action thresholds –Action threshold is the predetermined level at which pest control is needed.

14 Phase Two is to evaluate all possible control measures. a. Chemical b. Biological c. Mechanical


16 Best Management Practices (BMPs) Practices that combine scientific research with practical knowledge to optimize yields and increase crop quality while maintaining environmental integrity. Can effectively eliminate the risk of unwanted materials reaching environmentally sensitive areas.

17 Examples of BMP’s Surface and subsurface water runoff Erosion control Cultural control of pests Soil testing Timing and placement of fertilizers Controlled release fertilizers Irrigation management Biological control of pests Pesticide selection Correct pesticide use

18 Elements of IPM Programs A. People – system devisers and pest managers B. Knowledge and information needed to devise the system and make sound decisions C. Program for monitoring the ecosystem elements (scouting) – determining pest activity levels D. Pest densities at which control methods are put into action E. Techniques used to manipulate pest populations F. Agents and materials

19 Review

20 What is IPM? I Integrated P Pest M management

21 Explain IPM. IPM is a systematic decision making process for use of pest control methods. IPM’s goal is to keep pest in check while protecting the environment. IPM is an ecologically based pest control strategy that includes chemical, biological and mechanical means.

22 What are BMP’s Best Management Practices BMP’s are those practices that combine scientific research with practical knowledge to optimize yields. BMP’s effectively eliminate the risk of unwanted materials reaching environmentally sensitive areas.

23 What are the steps / modes of IPM? Knowledge – of the pest and environment Monitoring & Scouting Economic Threshold Levels Pest Control Methods

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