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Baker Jr. Science Fair GT and Pre-AP students. Participants All GT and Pre- AP students must participate in the science fair.

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Presentation on theme: "Baker Jr. Science Fair GT and Pre-AP students. Participants All GT and Pre- AP students must participate in the science fair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baker Jr. Science Fair GT and Pre-AP students

2 Participants All GT and Pre- AP students must participate in the science fair.

3 Project ideas Physical Science Engineering Life science Math and Computer science Earth/Environmental Behavioral and social science Is a great place to start looking for ideas There are many other sites that provide ideas to get you started.

4 Supplies needed 1.Folder- plastic with brads- Each student must have one. 2.Tri-fold display board- One per project

5 Some Do’s 1.Use the internet to help find ideas 2.Visit the library for science experiment books 3.Discuss your project and ideas with your teacher 4.Get your parents feedback about your project 5. Keep all of your information in your science fair folder

6 Some Don’ts 1.Do not do a research paper 2.Do not harm pets and other animals in the process 3.Do not use your brothers work from last year or this year 1.I’ve probably seen it already 4.Do not copy a project straight off the internet 1.Using the internet for ideas is good BUT try to be original. Try modifying it. 5.Do not allow your parents to do the work for you

7 FAQ’s Can I work with a partner? Yes, but you both need a copy of the material (in your folder) for a grade. Chose wisely! Can I do a volcano? NO!!!! Can I turn my project in early? Yes, but you still must turn in material needed on deadline dates If I start working with a partner can I change my mind and do it on my own? NO! Once the process starts we are not making changes

8 FAQ’s What if I’m doing all the work and my partner quits I told you to chose wisely!! He/she will be graded accordingly Can my partner be in another science class or have a different teacher? Yes, but YOU must schedule time to work together at home. We will not pull your partner from another class. Can I do a project on my pet or animal? Yes, but must be humane and approved by your teacher [ex. Training animals comparison]

9 FAQ’s Can I change my project? No!! Once your project is approved, there are NO take backs, or mind changes Can I work on my project at school? Yes, before or after school only. Your teacher will provide you with a day and time to work on your project. Parents must drop-off/pick you up on time.

10 FAQ’s Can I use powerpoint? Yes, in addition to your project display. Powerpoint does not replace any portion of your display.

11 The Problem “The Problem” is the first part of your project What are you trying to solve or prove? This is not your Hypothesis The PROBLEM is due Tuesday, February 17. You can submit it earlier

12 The Problem “The Problem” is the first part of your project Ex. Will diet Coke or regular Coke freeze faster? OR Diet Coke will reach 0° faster than regular Coke

13 Hypothesis Your hypothesis needs to be an “if-then and because” statement. Ex. IF diet coke and regular Coke is placed in a freezer at -10°, THEN the diet coke will reach 0° sooner because of the amount or type of sugar. You do not have to include the “because-” statement. Due February 23

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