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Native Americans: Lakota Indians Kate Green ITRT Suffolk City Schools 2 nd Grade – SOL 2.2, 2.4, 2.5.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans: Lakota Indians Kate Green ITRT Suffolk City Schools 2 nd Grade – SOL 2.2, 2.4, 2.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans: Lakota Indians Kate Green ITRT Suffolk City Schools 2 nd Grade – SOL 2.2, 2.4, 2.5

2 Lakota Indians RegionIndiansHomesOccupationsTransportation PlainsLakotaTeepeesHunters Horsemen Walked Used horses

3 Region Regions: Places that have common (the same) characteristics

4 The Lakota The Lakota moved around the region to hunt for buffalo. Flat – Grassy, Plains Lived WEST of the Appalachian Mountains Lived EAST of Rocky Mountains

5 Homes Teepees Animal Skins (Buffalo) Stretched over Long, Wooden Poles Traveled with their Teepees Set them up wherever the Buffalo stopped to graze (eat).

6 Living Climate: The kind of weather an area has over a long period of time Land: The shape of the land’s surface Environment: Natural Surroundings ClimateLandPlant Life Hot summers, Harsh, cold winters Plains, Prairies, & Rolling hills Grasses

7 Occupation Horsemen Rode & Hunted Carried Materials during the move Teepees Equipment Hunters Men & Boys Buffalo, Small Animals, & Birds Occupation – Daily Job of an Adult

8 Transportation Walked Used Horses Transportation – How people move from one place to another.

9 Contributions Arts (pottery, weaving, carving) Knowledge of the Environment Respect for nature Farming corn and tobacco Contribution – Things people from the past have done to make life today easier, today.

10 Videos & Links United Streaming Videos Watch these Videos: The People of the Great Plains Native Americans: People of the Plains. Lakota Indians Go to the website & find out about: Regions Homes Occupations Transportation

11 Native American Games Jeopardy Game Pop-Up Game Quiz - Games (Password = explorers)Games Eastern Woodland Lakota Pueblo

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