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TWISTERTWISTER. TWISTERTWISTER Directions: 1)Each student picks a circle with a color (red, blue, green, yellow) from a bag. 2)The teacher spins the spinner.

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Presentation on theme: "TWISTERTWISTER. TWISTERTWISTER Directions: 1)Each student picks a circle with a color (red, blue, green, yellow) from a bag. 2)The teacher spins the spinner."— Presentation transcript:


2 TWISTERTWISTER Directions: 1)Each student picks a circle with a color (red, blue, green, yellow) from a bag. 2)The teacher spins the spinner (either on Smartboard or homemade) and a color is revealed. 3)The teacher reads the first word of that color (yellow 1). Each yellow student has two minutes to write a definition of that word. 4)The teacher collects the definitions and reads them aloud without saying the student’s name. 5)The rest of the class votes on the best definition. The students get a point for each vote they get. 6)The students with the most votes after all words have been read is the winner.

3 TWISTER 1 1 5 5 9 9 13 17 21 2 2 3 3 4 4 18 10 14 6 6 22 7 7 23 11 15 19 8 8 24 20 16 12 Choose a number.

4 TWISTER relation

5 Relation A set of ordered pairs. Example: (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, r) back

6 TWISTER Linear equation

7 Linear equation An equation whose graph is a line. back

8 TWISTER Slope Intercept form

9 Slope Intercept Form y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept back

10 TWISTER Rate of change

11 Rate of change Allows you to see the relationship between 2 quantities that are changing back

12 TWISTER domain

13 Domain Set of all x values back

14 TWISTER y-intercept

15 The point where an equation crosses the y-axis (vertical axis) back

16 TWISTER Independent variable

17 Independent variable The domain or x value of a function. back

18 TWISTER Direct variation

19 Direct variation y=kx, where k is the constant of variation back

20 TWISTER Parent function

21 Parent function y = x back

22 TWISTER variable

23 A symbol (letter) for a number we do not know yet. back

24 TWISTER decreasing

25 The graph of a decreasing function always goes down from left to right. back

26 TWISTER Slope of a Horizontal line

27 Slope of a horizontal line zero back

28 TWISTER dependent variable

29 dependent variable The range or y value of a function. back

30 TWISTER Standard form

31 Standard form Ax + By = C back

32 TWISTER x-intercept

33 The point where an equation crosses the x-axis (horizontal axis) back

34 TWISTER function

35 A relation that for every x value there is only one y value. back

36 TWISTER Point Slope form

37 Point slope form y – y 1 =m(x – x 1 ) back

38 TWISTER constant

39 A number that is not connected to a variable by multiplication or division. (Stands alone) back

40 TWISTER increasing

41 The graph of an increasing function always goes up from left to right. back

42 TWISTER range

43 The set of all the y values back

44 TWISTER Slope of a Vertical line

45 Slope of a vertical line undefined back

46 TWISTER correlation

47 Correlation The degree to which two variables are associated. For example, height and weight have a moderately strong positive correlation. back

48 TWISTER Inverse operations

49 Inverse operations The quantity which cancels out the a given quantity. Example: Addition-subtraction back

50 TWISTER coefficient

51 Coefficient A number that is connected to a variable by multiplication or division back

52 TWISTER Independent variable dependent variable domain range variable slope intercept form point slope form correlation relation increasing decreasing standard form function parent function coefficient rate of change slope of a horizontal line slope of a vertical line constant linear equation direct variation inverse operations x-intercept y-intercept

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