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Which Plane Flies the Furthest?

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Presentation on theme: "Which Plane Flies the Furthest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Plane Flies the Furthest?
By: Group 2

2 Which type of paper will fly the farthest as a paper airplane?
Problem Statement

3 I think that the paper made out of construction paper will fly the farthest because it is thick and steady and less force would be on it. Even though it is hevier and will fall easily, it will just have less force pushing it. Hypothesis

4 Materials 1. Notebook paper 2. Construction paper 3. Cardstock
4. Printer paper 5. Ruler/Measuring tape Materials

5 Procedures 1. Gather all materials
2. Make the airplane out of each type of paper 3. Test each model 4. Record data 5. make a conclusion Procedures

6 Types of paper The force of the throw Variable

7 The person throwing the plane

8 Data

9 The copy paper flew the farthest the most out of all
The copy paper flew the farthest the most out of all. It flew 23 inches,88 inches and 129 inches. The paper that flew the least was notebook. It flew 70 inches,23 inches and 42 inches. Results

10 My group found out that our hypothesis was wrong
My group found out that our hypothesis was wrong. Construction paper did not fly the farthest it was copy paper because all of the harder papers kept on turning backward. Conclusion

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