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1 Cameroon Companion Synod Program The Opportunity for Lutherans to make a Difference!

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1 1 Cameroon Companion Synod Program The Opportunity for Lutherans to make a Difference!

2 2 Pastor Jack and Val Frederick from Pinawa, Manitoba have recently completed their second tour in the Cameroon. Their commitment has opened the door to identifying a series of projects and programs needing our assistance. Their “on the ground” position gives us the unique opportunity of ensuring our support is directed where it needs to be ….through a direct MNO Synod connection!

3 3 Your Opportunity Sunday September 30 th is our Synod-wide launch Our goal is to share the opportunity we have as MNO members to make a meaningful difference in our Companion Synod Information is available in the bulletin inserts today as well as at Donations may be made in the envelopes provided or at the web site.

4 4 Cameroon Companions … Important information 100% of all administration expenses are offset by a private donor (every dollar contributed, goes to work in the Cameroon) All donations qualify for charitable status and related tax credits

5 5 What is our Goal? Overall campaign goal is $150,000 Our mission is to raise our funds this fall and move to use the money in 2008 to execute on our projects Pastor Jack and Val Fredrick's will be returning to the Cameroon to help oversee the effective use of all funds raised and assist in reporting on progress.

6 6 Cameroon Projects

7 7 Roofs for Churches Numerous Churches within the area serviced, require zinc roofs to withstand environment. At a cost of approx. $3000 / roof our goal is to complete “5” roofs in 2008.

8 8 Motorcycles for Pastors 10 motorcycles @ $1500 each for pastors to use in reaching remote congregations Will allow these congregations to gain support and continue to grow Without this support, travel is on foot, in very rough terrain

9 9 Dental Office Equipment While a dental office is available there is a lack of suitable equipment. Our goal is to refurbish the office with good quality used equipment

10 10 New Hymnals for Churches We are looking to provide 500 hymnals to Churches within the targeted area Hymnals in many Churches are worn out and require replacement

11 11 Food and Education for Orphaned Children Rampant movement of Aids has created in its wake a large number of orphans Living with extended families they are often without food, clothing and any opportunity for education This project will provide food packages weekly, tuition for school and appropriate clothing for a group of 300 orphans

12 12 Hospital Upgrades Challenging conditions for hospital patients require relatives to cook and clean for patients. This program will support patients with staff and counseling resources.

13 13 Sustainability of the Garoua Boulai Protestant Hospital (GBHP) (an ELCC facility) 50 years old and is a District, HIV/Aids and Tuberculosis treatment centre Now in rehabilitation phase of its building and lab with new equipment Crucial need for a 2 month supply of drugs Initial essential drug supply would be run as a revolving fund - % of income generated by drugs would be set apart to buy the next supplies

14 14 Help for Young Poverty Stricken Women Our goal is to build, furnish and support a dormitory and school for young women from a variety of villages. We will teach them a trade while housing them and send them home with the ability to start a small business and support their families. Fanta – Hospital Social Worker

15 15 7 Ton Truck For delivery of supplies and materials to the EELC Hospitals, Churches, Bible Schools and Seminary Assist EELC Doctors & Personnel when moving Current vehicle (owned by EELC) is 30 years old & used to transport church roofing material

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