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This game is loosely based on the Whack-A- Mole arcade game.  Each game starts with 45 seconds of play.  Moles randomly pop out of holes on the landscape.

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Presentation on theme: "This game is loosely based on the Whack-A- Mole arcade game.  Each game starts with 45 seconds of play.  Moles randomly pop out of holes on the landscape."— Presentation transcript:


2 This game is loosely based on the Whack-A- Mole arcade game.  Each game starts with 45 seconds of play.  Moles randomly pop out of holes on the landscape and the player tries to whack them.  Use the mouse to move the hammer and the space bar to swing the hammer.  If the player scores more than 30 points then the winning message is broadcast. If not, the losing message is broadcast.

3  Paint or import a stage with holes for the sprite to pop out.  Create a hammer sprite.  Create a mole sprite for each hole and place one over each hole.

4  Create a new variable called “score”  Create a new variable called “time”  When the green flag is clicked: ◦ Set score to 0 ◦ Set time to 45  Create a loop which decreases time by one. Add a small delay for the countdown. Repeat the loop 45 times.  Add sound to indicate that time is up.

5 Add script to the hammer sprite so that it moves with the mouse. Use a loop.  Hint: use Add script to the hammer sprite so when the space key is pressed the hammer swings.  Hint: Instead of changing costumes use Add script to the hammer sprite so when the space key is pressed and the hammer hits a mole then the score increases.  Hint: This needs to done for every mole sprite.  Hint: If the hammer is ever covered by a mole then add

6  When the green flag is clicked set a delay to show or hide the mole sprite.  Add a loop to delay showing the mole sprite and determine a how long you want to show that sprite.  Do this for each mole. Each one should have a different show and hide pattern.

7  When the green flag is clicked set a timer for 1 second more than the value set in the time variable.  Check to see if the score is bigger than 30. ◦ If so, display the winning message. ◦ If score is smaller than 30 then display the losing message.  Add a delay to allow for all sounds to finish and add code to stop everything.

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