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Unit 10.  (adj.) thoroughly skilled  (n.) an expert  adapt and become “good at something”

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1 Unit 10

2  (adj.) thoroughly skilled  (n.) an expert  adapt and become “good at something”

3  (v.) to have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly; to ascend  aspire = soar  I aspire to be an actor because I have been inspired by my grandmother who starred in Broadway productions.

4  (adj.) bare, dreary, dismal bleak = leak = water drops = rain = cloudy= dreary or dismal day bleak = bare

5  (v.) to blame; scold  chide – child = blame/scold the child for telling a lie

6  (adj.) worthy of scorn, contemptible  despicable = contemptible  contempt = disrespect to despise “dis-respectable” behavior

7  (adj.) small, smaller than most others of the same type  diminutive = mini

8  (v.)to free from slavery; to release or liberate  emancipate = liberate = liberty= freedom  Lincoln signed Emancipation Proclamation = to free slaves = free man to participate in life as they should

9  (adj.) incorrect, containing mistakes  erroneous = error = incorrect/mistakes

10  (v.) to make use of, develop; to make improper use of for personal profit (n.) a feat or deed  exploitation = of child labor, women (to expose)

11  (adj.) made or delivered on the spur of the moment  Extemporaneous = tiempo (Spanish for time) spur of the moment = spontaneous No “extra time”

12  (v.) to make imperfect, damage, harm  impair = repair (to fix – the opposite)

13  (adj.) not able to be defeated, unbeatable  Superman is invincible (except for kryptonite)

14  (adj.) drooping; without energy, sluggish  languid = lag behind -= sluggish  Droopy = cartoon character – without energy

15  (n.) mud, wet, swampy ground; a tough situation  (v.) to get stuck  mire = tire = The tire got stuck in the mire.

16  (adj.) forward; undesirably prominent; thrust out  obtrusive = intrusive = intrude = undesirably forward  Intrude upon your personal space – hug from a complete stranger can be obtrusive

17  (n.) an introduction to a speech or a piece of writing  preamble = pre = before = amble = ramble (speech) an INTROduction to a speech

18  (v.) to cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially; to process, extract  render = to deliver = sender = sends a message (delivers it)

19  (adj.) rough, irregular; severe, stern; strong, stormy  rugged = rough  Brawny paper towel guy = lumberjack = rugged, strong, “rough”

20  (adj.) inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true  skeptical = a skeptic = one who doubts  One who is skeptical might look more closely through his/her spectacles (glasses).

21  (adj.) untidy in dress, personal habits, etc. careless, sloppy  slipshod = slapdash = careless - don’t care about the way one looks  slipshod = shoddy = of poor quality  slipshod = slip = messy dress

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