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Computer Related Issues IC3 Chapter 5 Computer Fundamentals.

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1 Computer Related Issues IC3 Chapter 5 Computer Fundamentals

2 Question 1 To solve a problem successfully, you must apply a logical plan: –Define the Problem –Investigate and Analyze the Problem –Identify Possible Solutions –Select and Implement a Solution –Evaluate Solutions

3 Question 2 The problem-solving process is called _______. Troubleshooting

4 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Define The Problem You must ensure that you actually have a problem and identify what it is. Start with the most obvious or simple possibilities, and continue troubleshooting from there.

5 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Investigate and Analyze the Problem: –Gather the facts. Collect all available data regarding the situation. Determine why the problem exists and its possible causes.

6 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Identify Possible Solutions: –What can you do to help or stop the problem? What should you do differently? What needs to be added or deleted? Start with the most basic solutions and work your way to more difficult ones.

7 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Select and Implement a Solution: –If you have more than one solution, critique and test each solution one at a time to determine its likely outcome. Based on this information, choose the solution that provides the best outcome.

8 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Confirm the Solution: –After implementing the solution, evaluate its performance. Did it accomplish what you needed to have done? If yes, then you have your solution. If not, you need to try a different solution.

9 3. Summarize the Following Steps: Document the Problem and the Solution: – Prepare written documentation describing the problem and solution. This may help you or someone else down the road!

10 Question 7 _________________, _________________, and _________________ a computer requires considerable research and focused decision making. –Purchasing –Maintaining –Repairing

11 Question 8 Purchasing a Computer: –Selecting a computer for an organization or business can be critical to the success and efficiency of a business. Make sure you are buying what you need. Think about the different things you are going to use the computer for and make sure that the computer you are looking to purchase fits your needs.

12 Question 9 Maintaining a Computer: –Computers require maintenance. Many computers come with warranties to fix things such as factory defects. Post-sale service and support is critical.

13 Question 10 Warranties: –A legal written assurance that a product or service will operate the way the company says that it will. If not, it will be replaced.

14 Question 11 Support Agreements: –A list of services specifically designed to provide assistance to a company or organization. The terms of service and the assistance to be provided are agreed upon in this. Example – Network Support

15 Question 12 Useful Life: –The estimated time period that an asset, such as computer equipment, will be of use to the owner. The general rules for when discussing personal computers is 3-5 years.

16 Question 13 Discarded Equipment: –If the computer still works, you can donate it. You can also recycle the components. DO NOT DONATE OR DISCARD A HARD DRIVE THAT CONTAINED PERSONAL INFORMATION!

17 Question 14 When you purchase computer equipment, be aware of its _________, which is the estimated time period the computer equipment will be of use to you. –Useful Life

18 Question 15 To dispose of computer equipment properly, refer to the guidelines on the _____ and consider ______or _______ the equipment. –EPA Website –Donating –Recycling

19 Question 16 ________ and ________ agreements help you maintain computer equipment. –Maintenance –Support

20 Question 17 If a computer fails to perform according to guidelines the manufacturer specifies, the ________ might provide for the repair or replacement of the computer. Warranty

21 Question 18 A computer manufacturer might provide its customers with a ______ ________, which is a list of services specifically designed to provide assistance to a company or organization. –Support Agreement

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