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Building a church of mission, community and discipleship 2: Christ-centred change Leadership and Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a church of mission, community and discipleship 2: Christ-centred change Leadership and Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a church of mission, community and discipleship 2: Christ-centred change Leadership and Church

2 Why Might Change Be Necessary?

3  Some area not as good as it could be  Not in the present, out of touch with surrounding culture or community, dealing with the world by withdrawal or avoidance  Wrong understanding of Church  A presenting problem needing fresh solutions  Activities no longer concord with gospel vision  Comfort and status quo have replaced kingdom growth as main priorities - plateaux

4 Main Principles: Kingdom growth involves constant change by definition Leaders are the people who mainly expect to shape God-given vision and direction Change is a threat to stable organisational life Being able to lead through change is critical to church and kingdom growth

5 How does our church need to change to better magnify the supremacy of God in our church life, our area and the world?

6 The Starting Point Organisational change in a church starts with spiritual roots Gospel-centred change emerges from gospel-centred convictions about God, ourselves, the Church, the purpose of the Church

7 Emerging need for change and dissatisfaction with status quo Energy and desire to face change and accept consequences New insights, solutions and paradigms

8 Unity for change comes from shared biblical vision on the supremacy of God

9 What unique organisational characteristics of a local church make change potentially more or less difficult than in other kinds of organisations?

10 Individuals’ inertia Structural inertia Vision inertia Leader inertia

11 What kinds of uncertainties are raised for people when we are inviting them to think about changes in church life? What might make them feel unsafe?

12 Change is movement:  From the known to the unknown  From inaction to action  From feeling skilled to feeling deskilled  From immaturity to maturity  From security of the familiar to the ambiguity of the unfamiliar  From trusting myself to trusting leaders

13 Principles Underlying Gospel Change The leader’s life Aligning motives to Christ Clear discernment

14 Leader Discernment 1.Is there a need? 2.Can I express it clearly? 3.What would it mean for the church to have new ideas brought to the table and to try out new directions? 4.Can I clearly express the possible hindrances and downsides? 5.Can I identify the people it will affect and why it will be positive or negative for them? 6.What are positive means at my disposal for bringing change?

15 Principles Underlying Gospel Change  The leader’s life  Aligning motives to Christ  Clear discernment  Communicating vision for building stakeholding and teamwork  Clear structuring around vision  Clear applying the vision to every area of church life

16 Biblical Change-Leaders  The one who aligns core motivations to Christ and Christ’s glory  The one who clarifies need with vision based on the purpose of God  The one who helps others understand and embrace godly opportunity with clear communication  The one who focuses cooperative teamwork with a clear view of church unity and joy in God  The one who smoothes transition with wisdom and the affection of Christ  The one who absorbs angst with prayerfulness, compassion and kindness

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