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Managing Deadlines & Deadbeats January 9, 2015 | 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Presented by: Sharon Gabriel, CSEP, Director of Special Events, Eastern Virginia Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Deadlines & Deadbeats January 9, 2015 | 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Presented by: Sharon Gabriel, CSEP, Director of Special Events, Eastern Virginia Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Deadlines & Deadbeats January 9, 2015 | 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Presented by: Sharon Gabriel, CSEP, Director of Special Events, Eastern Virginia Medical School Amy Stevens, CSEP, Asst. Director of Special Events, Eastern Virginia Medical School

2 Managing Deadlines & Deadbeats If you have not already done so, please take a moment to complete the brief online DiSC Personality Assessment. Click the yellow box on the bottom left

3 Why DiSC? As event professionals, how do we define success? We must manage all aspects of event planning – both tasks/production and relationships. The practice of motivating and managing staff and volunteers can be challenging. Interacting on a daily basis with team members or campus partners can, at times, be frustrating and unproductive.

4 Why DiSC? People are different, with personality and behavioral styles all their own. Their behavioral styles directly translate into certain preferences for communication styles, types of tasks, or even roles on a team.

5 Why DiSC? To help us understand these different behavioral patterns, we are using DiSC. DiSC is a personality assessment tool that is useful for improving communications, workplace effectiveness, and productivity.

6 Why DiSC? Start by increasing self-knowledge about your own behavioral style and priorities: How you respond to conflict What motivates you What causes you stress How you solve problems Understand yourself first

7 Why DiSC? Learning about other people’s styles can help you understand how they may differ from your own. As you begin to understand these preferences and differences, you can: Interact with people more effectively Improve communications Minimize conflict and stress Facilitate better teamwork Increase productivity and enhance results

8 Why DiSC? You can improve the quality of your work place and your relationships by applying the knowledge and strategies we’ll learn today. This applies whether you are: Department head Team leader Co-worker Relationship manager for donors, board members Working with campus personnel, vendors

9 DiSC Principles All DiSC styles are equally valuable and important to a team Your work style is also influenced by other factors – such as: Life experiences Education Maturity Culture Everyone is a blend of all four styles

10 D C i S Influencing Steadiness Dominance Conscientiousness Extroverted Active, Fast-Paced, Confident & Outspoken Introverted Passive, Slower-Paced, Cautious & Reflective People-Oriented Feelings & Relations Accepting & Warm Task-Oriented Thinking Questioning & Skeptical

11 D Characteristics Person places emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line, confidence

12 D Example – Donald Trump

13 D Characteristics Goals/Priorities Getting immediate results Taking charge Overcoming obstacles Challenging self & others Motivators Power & authority Freedom from controls & supervision Competition / success A challenge Action (quicker the better) Fast-paced environment

14 D Characteristics Stressors Obstacles preventing progress Too many details Group activities & projects Long workplace conversations Cautious, predictable or slow-paced environments Limitations Lack of concern for others Impatience Resisting collaboration and group activity Over-committing Overlooking the details

15 D’s Would Increase Effectiveness By Having more warmth, humility and patience Engaging in tactful communication Honing listening skills Considering other’s ideas and feelings Building personal relationships Soliciting feedback and input from others Giving recognition Recognizing authority

16 i Characteristics Person places emphasis on influencing or persuading others, openness, relationships

17 i Example – Oprah Winfrey

18 i Characteristics Goals/Priorities Popularity and approval Taking action Collaboration Freedom of expression Victory with flair Friendship and happiness Authority and prestige Motivators Social recognition Group activities Friendly relationships

19 i Characteristics Stressors Unsocial environments Competitive people Giving unpleasant feedback Focusing on bottom line Facts vs. intuition Limitations Impulsiveness Disorganization Lack of follow through Distracted easily Overly talkative Tardiness

20 i’s Would Increase Effectiveness By Following through Staying focused for long periods Researching all the facts Speaking directly and candidly Addressing conflict when necessary Employing systems for better organization and time management Not taking criticism personally

21 S Characteristics Person places emphasis on cooperation, sincerity, dependability

22 S Example – Mother Theresa

23 S Characteristics Goals/Priorities Giving support Collaboration Harmony, stability & security Group acceptance Maintaining status quo & controlled environments Long-term relationships Motivators Stable, warm and orderly environments Sincere appreciation Cooperation Opportunities to help

24 S Characteristics Stressors Change Being rushed, no time to process Making fast decisions Providing unpleasant feedback Working with overly critical or demanding people Tense environments Limitations Indecisive Overly accommodating Tendency to avoid change Work at own pace Methodical Multi-tasking is a challenge

25 S’s Would Increase Effectiveness By Acknowledging problems and confronting others Understanding that conflict can be part of healthy collaboration Having more openness and flexibility Learning to adapt Embracing change Voicing true opinions Speaking up for self Saying no

26 C Characteristics Person places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise, competency

27 C Example – Steve Jobs

28 C Characteristics Goals/Priorities Ensuring quality & accuracy Challenging assumptions Correctness Personal growth Maintaining stability Compliance or adherence to rules & regulations Motivators Opportunities to gain knowledge Showing their expertise Producing quality work Desire to be right

29 C Characteristics Stressors Following inefficient procedures Having little independence or private time Being forced to mingle with strangers Having his/her authority challenged Relying on overly emotional or illogical people Limitations Being overcritical of self & others Overanalyzing Getting bogged down in details Resistance in delegating tasks Lack of compromise for the good of the team Isolating themselves

30 C’s Would Increase Effectiveness By Being more flexible, open-minded Compromising for the good of the team Being a team player Letting go of and delegating tasks Making quicker decisions Taking more risks Challenging authority less Joining in social events and celebrations

31 DiSC Principles We are all at our best when we are operating within our natural styles. We all are able to operate in an adapted behavioral style. Goal is to leverage strengths of each style; align tasks with the strengths, thereby enabling success and minimizing underlying causes of stress.

32 Strategies for Effective Communications Effective communication – where the listener receives the message you intended to send – is affected by a number of things, such as mood, timing, and “filters” based on our personalities. In order to communicate effectively it’s important that you consider the behavioral style of your listener.

33 Communicating with D’s Be direct, brief and to the point Focus on the task, stick to business Use a bottom-line, results-oriented approach Be logical vs. emotional Present big picture Do not over use data and details Demonstrate your competence Strategies for Effective Communications

34 Communicating with i’s Allow time for socialization Lighten up; have fun Ask for feelings and opinions Create a friendly, non-threatening environment Involve in brainstorming new ideas and approaches Expect quick decisions Provide opportunities for recognition and reward Strategies for Effective Communications

35 Communicating with S’s Be patient Draw out his/her opinions Provide a logical approach to the facts Relax; allow time for discussion Clearly define expectations and instructions Involve in planning Give time to adapt; allow time for processing Strategies for Effective Communications

36 Communicating with C’s Present data and facts, not emotions Examine pros and cons Stay on task; don’t socialize Focus on quality Allow time for processing Disagree with the facts, not the person Strategies for Effective Communications

37 Understanding and adapting our own behavioral styles and those with whom we interact is critical to having effective communications. Our interactions with one another facilitate the success or failure in both the production and relational aspects of event planning.

38 Summary By understanding the inherent limitations of each behavioral style, we can employ the necessary communication strategies, systems and tools to ensure success. SYNERGY occurs when we all work together as a team; our strengths and weaknesses compliment and compensate for each other.

39 Questions

40 Resources DiSC ® Personality Assessment Tools & Other Resources: Recommend the comprehensive online test: Everything DiSC ® Workplace Profile For questions or consultation, contact: Sharon Gabriel, CSEP

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